Session Plan Objectives & means of engagement – CBC, PSC, IDI


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Presentation transcript:

Session Plan Objectives & means of engagement – CBC, PSC, IDI Group and plenary discussion – Way forward

Objectives of engagement INTOSAI regions are key stakeholders and natural partners for the IDI. The IDI has identified ‘Stronger regional bodies, networks and communities’ as an IDI outcome, which will contribute to supporting SAIs in sustainably enhancing performance, independence and professionalism.

Means of engagement Working together with all INTOSAI regions in the design, development and delivery of capacity development programmes to address SAI needs and align efforts in the INTOSAI community. Supporting regions in strategic management, advocacy, capacity development, fund raising, knowledge sharing, stakeholder engagement, scaled up and coordinated support. Seeking advice and feedback from regions on the working of the IDI

Means of engagement Participation in regional meetings (congresses, Governing Board Meetings etc.) to interact with the regional secretariat, leadership and membership Joint implementation of Capacity Development Programmes at the regional level Regional pools of Training specialists, ISSAI facilitators, SAI PMF assessors, MDP facilitators, eLearning specialists, LMS administrators etc. Support to enhance regional capacity - regional strategic plans, building regional eLearning platforms, supporting regional learning and knowledge sharing events, supporting interaction with donors. IDI Workshop with INTOSAI regions brings together all INTOSAI regions for an extended interaction that provides an opportunity to learn from each other, provide support based on regional needs, seek advice and feedback from the regions on IDI strategy and performance, plan for future cooperation, seek alignment with INTOSAI.  

Role of INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-22 ‘The CBC leads INTOSAI’s efforts under Goal 2 and in doing so works closely with the other INTOSAI goals, the General Secretariat, IDI, the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation, INTOSAI regional organizations, and others to speak and act in unity in the interest of INTOSAI’s SAI capacity development efforts.’ ‘The CBC performs a vital integrating role by ensuring that capacity development proposals complement previous and ongoing efforts.’ Identify capacity development challenges and opportunities in order to facilitate access to solutions including accessing the INTOSAI–Donor Cooperation.

CBC engagement with Regional Organisations CBC Steering Committee – all the Regions are members Regional Forum for Capacity Development – CBC annual meeting IDI-INTOSAI Regions workshop – annually in Oslo Regional Forum meeting – prior to Governing Board

Main purposes of engagements Platform Main purpose CBC SC Regions participates in and enhances CBC governance Regional Forum (annual CBC meeting) Platform for regional organisations to share case studies / success stories in regional strengthening IDI-Regions workshop Support regional coordination / harmonisation initiatives and tools, and generally supporting integration among goals, IDI and the regions Regional Forum (day before annual GB meeting) Identify capacity development challenges and opportunities to facilitate access to solutions at a cross-regional and strategic level

Should we continue with the current means of engagement ? How can we enhance ours means to strengthen future engagement ?