By Mike Post, Steph Myall Western Migration 1865-1898 By Mike Post, Steph Myall
Big idea Larger numbers of migrants moved to the west in search of land economic opportunity, frequently provoking competition and violent conflict
Transcontinental Railroad Pacific Railroad Act - act passed in 1862 that provided land to build railroad from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean. It was secured by the government and brought more immigrants over to work on it. Issues were with having to work around mountains and the Native Americans. This allowed us to expand our country out and for resources to be shipped throughout it.
Cattle Much of the cattle were settled in the grassy plain of Texas, the only problem with it was they couldn't be sent to market until the transcontinental railroad was built out west. Beef barons would then get live cattle shipped from these ranches putting the cattle into stockyards in Kansas City and Chicago. Along terminal points on the trail “cow towns” where the cattle stopped to graze the grass, one being Dodge City, Abilene (which was the major one), Ogallala, and Cheyenne.
Tombstone Tombstone produced 40-85 million dollars in silver. It was a dangerous place to be.
Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show The shows started in 1883 and was a show that depicted Indians attacking white settlers and being vicious while heroic Cowboys came in and saved the day. The settings were usually held on the frontier to show the conflict and promote that Americans can go west and defeat these enemies. Buffalo Bill himself earned his nickname by killing thousands of buffalo for the Kansas Pacific Railroad, wiping out herds of buffalo leaving no buffalo west for the Indians.
Frederic Remington He was a painter that painted the Old American West with Cowboys, Indians, and the U.S Cavalry.
Deadwood Dick Dime novels or stories written by Edward Wheeler published in 1877. Made to make Indians look like savages as a western hero comes to protect the white settlers as we moved west. They were called dime novels because they only cost a dime and were usually read by young boys.
Range Wars Conflict arose in the west over land and water rights, the battles were between cattle ranchers and homesteaders. The cattle ranchers would claim much land and put big fences up so when homesteaders came and went on their land it started the friction.
Sand Creek Massacre They killed 70-163 Native Americans Two-thirds were women and children
Battle of Little Big Horn Cluster and 700 men They were attacked by the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes 268 dead and 55 severely wounded.
Battle of Bear Paw Mountain It was the final engagement of the Nez Perce War. Miles attacked the camp and lost 24 men and 49 wounded. The nez perce lost23 men and 2 women 46 wounded and 431 surrendered or captured.
Battle of Wounded Knee It was a Massacre The United States lost 25 men while only 39 were wounded 6 fatally 150-300 people were killed. 90 men killed. 200 women and children killed. 51 wounded 7 of them were fatal