Review of the objectives and agenda of the meeting Ivica Trumbic
Meeting’s Goal To enhance cross-sectoral, science based ecosystem approaches to regional ocean governance in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Specific Objective 1 To strengthen regional governance mechanisms through enhanced collaboration between Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programmes, Regional Seas Programmes and Regional Fisheries Bodies (including Regional Fisheries Management Organisations)
Specific Objective 2 To share examples of best practices of existing collaboration between Large Marine Ecosystem projects and programmes, Regional Seas Conventions and Actions Plans, Regional Fisheries Bodies (including Regional Fisheries Management Organisations) and other institutions and/or initiatives/projects providing relevant scientific knowledge
Specific Objective 3 To propose regional platform for collaboration that builds on existing initiatives to strengthen regional ocean governance
Specific Objective 4 To identify modalities to apply science-based ecosystem approaches at regional level in support of improved ocean governance
Specific Objective 5 Describe how regional institutions and projects are utilizing science and how they can support countries to implement ecosystem approaches that will contribute to the 2030 Agenda and associated Sustainable Development Goals (targets and indicators)
Five key words Collaboration Best practices Ecosystem approach Science Platform
Some basic facts about the meeting Seven plenary sessions “global”, thematic Three regional breakout sessions ”regional” should be considered in practical sense exchange of experiences between regions is encouraged Almost fifty presenters
Logic of the meeting specific objectives setting the stage drivers goal specific objectives setting the stage thematic discussion “regional” discussion regional experiences possible areas of collaboration idea where to start elements for the collaborative platform future actions