Computer Software Engineering Alyque Babwani Computer engineers design and build computers and related components. There are two main types of computer engineers: hardware engineers and software engineers. Software engineers develop operating systems, such as Linux, UNIX, or Windows. Computer software engineers may also develop utility software programs that allow you to perform general tasks, such as word processing or database management. Alyque Babwani
College/University Day in the Life Middle 50% Salary Range Largest discipline in this field College/University Executive of Company (President or CEO) Career Outlook Georgia Tech Virginia Tech Highly growing area. Two Professional Organizations Day in the Life Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS) Indoor Work 9:00 am to 6:00 pm One professional in this field Middle 50% Salary Range George, the owner and president of a mid-sized software company. His advice to others is that they must have a firm understanding of the technical concepts you learn in college. You must also be able to learn quickly, as well as anticipate changes in the industry. Entry Wage $29.25 $60,840 Median Wage $36.61 $76,150 Experienced Wage $44.60 $92,760