Sharing Images
This session will: Showcase sharing images resources on Hwb Provide you with an opportunity to explore these Present a scenario for discussion Discuss the importance of policy Provide an opportunity for questions and topic-focussed discussion.
Is the wifi working?! Go to Login if you’d like to Type sharing images in the search box Check out the sharing images resources by SWGfL
Discussion Did you know about these resources before today? How useful do you think they will be? What are the opportunities to use these resources? What are the challenges in using these resources?
Digital Competence Framework These resources may help you develop the digital skills contained in the: Identity, image and reputation For example: understand simple rules for sharing images and data… (Y3) Digital rights, licensing and ownership understand that photographs can be edited digitally and discuss rights and permissions associated with this.… (Y7) Online behaviour and cyberbullying …identify the risks and legal consequences of sending intimate images and content/sexting… (Y6)
Scenario A young person (Yr8) comes to you disclosing that an intimate image of her has been shared. It becomes clear that this image has been spread widely around the school. Other young people from her school are sharing her images, including some selling them to their friends. What will you do?
Considerations How old is the young person How and with whom did they share the image originally? Is it a video or a still. Is there any evidence? What are the implications for securing the evidence? What is the motivation behind the incident? Is there coercion or extortion, peer pressure or poor critical thinking involved? Do the young people involved have any previous history in similar case(s)? Is there a significant age gap? Is the content illegal and is it in the public arena/online Does the victim need support: what could that be? The victim is angry and demands a resolution, do you need to inform the police?
Scenario A professional who graduated from uni 15 years ago becomes aware that images of him are circulating through the community The photos concerned show him in a less than professional manner in ‘initiation’ ceremonies undertaken at uni. These include ‘fancy dress’ images leaving little to the imagination. The photos had been shared on a now non-existent platform, MySpace. Investigation finds that children in his care had found the images through an open Google search. What will you do?
Considerations What are the ethics of the school and what does this behaviour reflect? Could this scenario cause reputational damage to both the school and the teacher? How widely has the image been spread and how permanent is its presence? Have you considered professional standards and whether any codes of conduct been breached? What site has it be shared on? Is there an easy reporting/deactivating content route? Does the victim need support? Reviewing account setting to avoid more images being found. How will the school respond? In this case, the teacher concerned actually got the thumbnail removed by a google search request. He then decided to share his learning in an assembly with primary school pupils to help them not to make the same mistake.
Policy All SWGfL template policies now available in one place To what extent is online safety included in your policies for: Behaviour Safeguarding Filtering Monitoring Acceptable Use Agreements Social Media Mobile devices?
Monitoring How many sexting or image sharing cases do you have every year? Is this increasing or decreasing? How is the senior leadership team (inc. Governors) tackling online issues? Monitoring forms – online or offline? Designated Senior Person needs to monitor these safeguarding issues.
This year’s roadmap
Professional’s Online Safety Helpline
Questions? Resources, today’s presentation and an evaluation form available from: