Year 2 Homework Activities Spring 1 - 2017 Over the next few weeks, please select a minimum of three activities to complete. Record them in your book however you choose. Learn your 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. Work with an adult to find the mass (weight) of different objects. Use weighing scales and read the scale carefully. Play shops. Make your own prices for items (use £ and p). Can you add two or three items? Which coins would you need to pay for them? How much change might you get if you paid with £1, £2 or £5? Write a book review of a book of your choice. This can be any book, it doesn’t have to be a story book. Find a poem about an animal. Try to learn the poem, you could add actions to help you. Can you perform it for your family? Practise spelling the Common Exception Words for Year 2 (on the back). Work on joining your letters correctly too! Can you write your own sentences with the words? Find some interesting facts about one of the seven continents of the world. Find fascinating facts about two animals. Choose one animal from a cold climate and one from a hot climate. Find a Bible story about Jesus healing someone. You could act it out, write a retell, create a collage or draw a picture.