Somerset Academy St. Lucie SCPATC: Charter high school projected to open in August of 2012 in PSL. On August first, I submitted an application for the Charter school to the School District of Saint Lucie County. On September 28, we were denied on the basis of not meeting about 15 of the 20 standards on the application. Disagreeing with that assertion, we appealed the District’s decision to the Charter School Appeals Commission. There, on January 11, we won every single point but one. However, the state statute states that to prevail, the District only needs to prevail on one point, whereas the applicant needs to prevail on all. So the SCPATC had no choice but to uphold that denial. They strongly encouraged the district to work with us, however, that wasn’t possible for the district, per district policies. As opposed to waiting another year to resubmit our application, we decided to take it to the next level: The State Board of Education. On February 16th we won the unanimous vote of the SBE to overturn the districts denial, and approve our charter. Parent info night
SASL Communication Skyward Website: Facebook: Remind 101 Text and Email Blasts -- Receive various notifications, such as upcoming field trips, progress reports or reports cards dates, fundraising events, transportation information etc.
NO HATS WORN IN THE CLASSROOM OR IN THE PRESENCE OF THE AMERICAN FLAG. Dress Code School issued tops from Aztec Graphix All school shirts must have the school logo Shoes: Dress shoes or tennis shoes with backs & closed toe, only. School outer-wear/hoodies/jackets may be worn at any time. Any non-school outer-wear item will result in a dress-code violation. Bottoms may not contain rips, tears or any fraying. All bottoms should be finger- tip length or longer. The Friday shirt may be worn on Fridays or school functions/activities off-site. NO HATS WORN IN THE CLASSROOM OR IN THE PRESENCE OF THE AMERICAN FLAG.
Dress Code VIOLATION K – 2: 3 warning slips will be sent home. After the 3rd warning, a phone call home will be made. Parent may be asked to bring a change of clothes or pick the student up. 3 – 5 Scholars will receive 1 warning. Detentions will be issued after one warning.
Pick Up and Check-In Campus hours are from 7:15am - 3:00pm Early Pick Up must be before 2:30pm Late check in – Parent must come in the office to sign the student in Pick up after 3:30 will result in a late fee ($1 per minute late) Aftercare hours are from 3pm-6pm
Parent Teacher Conference (Monday, November 27, 2017) Check the “Request PTC” box on your student’s progress report to request a conference. Sign and return the progress report in your student’s communication folder by the due date. You will be contacted with a time for the PTC . For any urgent matters or unresolved issues, you may request a phone call or meeting with administration anytime by calling the front office at (772) 281-2300
Mrs. Platt's Daily Schedule 8:00 Math 9:30 P.E. 10:00 Music 10:30 Math 10:55 Lunch 11:30 Reading 1:00 Writing 1:25 Recess 1:45 Social Studies 2:20 Science
Websites For Standards visit: (first name and lunch #) Example: Username: amanda Password: 12345 (email; first initial.last name@ somersetstlucie and platt123) Example: Username: Password: platt123 (56 number and a1234567) Example: Username: 561254889 Password: a1234567 (first name and picture password) Parent email School website: Elementary Teacher pages Amanda Platt For Standards visit:
General Information Homework goes home on Monday and is due back Friday Absences are only excused with a doctor's note Donations count towards your volunteer hours
Class expectations Listen to the teacher Keep hands, feet, body, and objects to self Movement: raise hand or use bathroom symbol Feet and chair on the floor Line Expectations Hands in pockets, laced in front or behind Facing forward Bubble in mouth
consequences Loss of Dojo points Minutes off of recess Detentions Can be given by all staff Recess, lunch, and after school detention
Lunch room Students now have assigned seats in the lunch room due to lunch room expectations not being met. Expectations: Eat only the food provided for you or received from lunch line. Do not play or tamper with your own or other’s food. Stay seated. Try to open food before asking for help. Clean your mess. Follow directions while exiting the cafeteria.
Pictures Picture retake is Thursday November 16th Must send a written note with the proof requesting the retake prior to or on November 16 If you do not want a retake, you may place an order by sending back the order envelope with payment by November 28.
Field Trip! The RAC- Rose Athletic Club Health and fitness Cost $10-15 December
Survey time!