Blood Pg. 418 & 420
Blood Function: Transport Materials: O2, Hormones, Nutrients, Wastes Parts Plasma Platelets RBC: Erythrocytes WBC: Leukocytes Pg. 418
Plasma Liquid part of blood Makes up 55% of Blood volume Made of 90% Water 10% Cell needs & wastes Pg. 418
Red Blood Cells Transports O2 Most numerous of cells Live approx. 120 days Produced in RBM Hemoglobin: Iron-rich protein that attaches to O2. Gives blood its red color. Pg. 418
White Blood Cells Protects against infection Fewer number Attacks invaders through capillary walls Continually reproduce Life span: Healthy – few days Sick – few hours WBC (Leukocytes) Pg. 418
White Blood Cells Antibodies: Proteins that attach to foreign materials that enter the body. Some digest bacteria, viruses, and other organisms. WBC (Leukocytes) Pg. 418
Platelets Cells that prevent blood loss Form clots to stop bleeding Clotting Process Injury opens BV, Platelets stick to vessel wall around opening. FIBRIN sticks to platelets forming a network of thin fibers. Fibers catch Platelets & blood cells form clot. Clot plugs opening & stops bleeding. Forms a SCAB – keeps disease causing organisms from entering while wound heals. cut fibrin platelet Pg. 420
Blood Cells Erythrocyte Thrombocyte Leukocyte RBC Platelet WBC
Inside a Blood Vessel
Blood Types *Type O- is called the “Universal Donor” AB Can DONATE to O, A, B, AB A, AB B, AB AB Can RECEIVE from O O, A O, B O, A, B, AB *Type O- is called the “Universal Donor” *Type AB+ is called the “Universal Recipient”
What Is The Most Common Blood Type?
Who Can Donate? Donors need to be at least 18 years old 16 and 17 year old donors may donate if their parent or legal guardian signs a consent form. Those who are in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and can meet the general eligibility criteria. You can donate whole blood every 56 days.
Common Reasons for NOT being able to Donate COLD or FLU symptoms / do not feel well on the day of donation. Had a tattoo or skin piercing in the last 12 months. Visited an area with malarial risk in the last 12 months. History of hepatitis after age 11 or a history of Hepatitis B or C. You have used needles to inject non-prescription or street drugs. You have risk factors for the spread of HIV or AIDS
BLOOD FACTS An average sized adult has approximately 10-12 pints of blood or roughly 7-8% of total body weight. You cannot get diseases from donating blood (all equipment is sterilized and discarded after each donation). Every unit of donated blood is tested for infectious diseases making the blood supply the safest it has ever been. Once donated, red blood cells have a shelf life of 42 days; platelets last only 7 days; and plasma can be frozen and used up to one year. Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Blood Transfusion
The process of removing blood from 1 person & putting it into another. Blood Transfusion The process of removing blood from 1 person & putting it into another. If blood loss is great Used to treat certain blood diseases / disorders
Patient’s blood type identified! Transfusion Patient’s blood type identified! If patient’s blood & transfused blood DO NOT match: Antibodies in Patient’s blood will ATTACK RBC in transfused blood & clump together. Will damage organs & can cause death!