Chapter 10 Cherishing Each Person: Abortion, Euthanasia and Respect for Life Mr. Salter Morality
Know for Ch 10 test: The central questions of the abortion Why science states an embryo is a human being When human life begins Know definition of Embryo and Fetus Significance of a status of “person” according to the Declaration of Independence Significance of fetus being a “potential” person The similarities of removing a “person” status of a fetus to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany
Know for Ch 10 test: Declaration on Procured Abortion Human life begins at conception Science affirms the stages of human life begin at fertilization “Personhood” is a religious, moral and philosophical question If there is any question whether we should recognize a human being as a person, history dictates that we err on the side of according rights to those who are powerless and without a voice
Know for Ch 10 test: Rationale for “women’s right to choose” … and peripheral women’s rights issues related to abortion Legal basis for 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision The that there is a difference between: the 14th amendment “reasonable expectation of privacy” from unlawful search and seizure and women’s right to privacy How the more important right and should take priority over any other right or concerns The Catholic Church’s teaching regarding “exceptional” cases: rape, incest, handicapped baby, mother’s life in danger Potential psychological trauma of abortion
The Principle of Double Effect The principle of double-effect presents a set of criteria that states an action as having foreseen harmful effects that are practically inseparable from the good effect – and is justifiable if the following are true: The nature of the act is itself good , or at least morally neutral The evil is not intended as an end (the agent intends the good effect and not the bad) The evil is not a means of the good the good effect outweighs the bad effect in circumstances sufficiently grave to justify causing the bad effect and the agent exercises due diligence to minimize the harm There is a proportionate reason for allowing the evil effect, a greater good will come of the action
Know for Ch 10 test: That abortion is a grave or mortal sin 4 points why Catholic theology teaches life is sacred Why Christians keep a balanced view concerning end of life issues Health and salvation have same root word Ordinary means vs. Extraordinary means of care based on burdens and benefits of the available procedures If the life support measures can reasonably be expected to improve a seriously ill person’s condition it would be considered “ordinary means.” Two types of Euthanasia - Active or direct euthanasia and Passive or indirect euthanasia Be able to cite examples of each The Church authoritative teaching called The Declaration on Euthanasia You can refuse any treatment to a dying person if there is little hope that the treatment will improve the patient’s condition
Know for Ch 10 test: Physician-assisted suicide is a form of active-voluntary euthanasia No one has the right to take (or cause the lose of an) innocent life How to explain Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life and “false mercy” Theology of “suffering” Hospice and Palliative Care
Know for Ch 10 test: Stem cell research Embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) Adult Stem cell Research (ASCR) Moral arguments for/against ESC: Research Harvesting Moral issues with Human Cloning Human life in all its stages is a basic and fundamental right, without which one cannot enjoy any other right or freedom It is never right to do evil that good may come of it The end (a good goal or purpose) does not justify the means (or any action to achieve our goal)