Class Biz! Year 1 Welcome.... Class Info.... What's Going On.... A big welcome back to all children! We are really looking forward to an exciting term filled with fun learning. It promises to be a very busy term with Christmas at the end!! We look forward to working together to give our children the very best. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come in. Class Info.... Children will need their PE kit on a Thursday for indoor physical education. Just to remind you it is plain black or navy shorts/bottoms and a plain white t-shirt and children go barefoot! Please could the children bring in their book bags daily. Children will be heard to read through Guided reading but will have individual reading books changed weekly. What's Going On.... Our theme this term is ‘The Land Before Time’. We have put in the diary some days to make the theme more exciting, they are as follows: Dino4hire visit – Wednesday 13th September. A Movie Day at the ‘Museum’- Wednesday 27th September. Archaeologist's Day- Wednesday 11th October (come dressed as an explorer if you wish) Dinosaur Building Day- Wednesday 15th November. Trip to Dan-yr-Ogof Caves (Santa visit) – December (date to be confirmed ) Let’s hope the children have plenty of fun while learning. Other Biz.... Just a reminder, fruit is 30p per day, which children have to bring in a sealed envelope with their name on. Sorry to nag but please could you make sure all the children’s clothes and belongings are labelled! If anyone has any spare time and would like to come into school and help, please let me know, we would be very grateful. Due to a restriction in space in our cloakroom, if your child is school dinners please do not send them with a big back pack. If anyone has any empty plastic squeezy bottles / or old metal kitchen equiptment (spoons, pots pans etc) could you please send them in. If you have any questions or concerns, please come into school at a convenient time,the door is always open!
Language, Literacy and Communication... Mathematical Development... Our Pie Corbett story this term will be ‘Harry and the Bucket full of Dinosaurs’. Children will be taking part in lots of thematic activities on dinosaurs to stimulate them. They will then be changing the story and inventing their own!! We will be looking at writing instructions and learning about lists, headings and connectives. We will also be making adverts, leaflets and posters. We will be making an information leaflet for children about dinosaurs. We will count, read write order numbers to different steps. We will learn how to add, subtract and multiply numbers. We will learn about 2D and 3D shape. We will be learning about handling data by making our own charts, graphs and lists. We will be working with different coins and giving change. We will also be solving dinosaur problems and challenges. Our Theme... Land Before Time! Knowledge and Understanding... Personal and Social Development... We will be looking at natural and non-natural materials and how things grow. We will be looking at natural features of places and how they change. We will also look at changes over time (Ice-age, dinosaur’s becoming extinct). We will be looking at feelings and emotions. We will be working on friendships and caring for the environment such as plants and pets. We will also look at school and religious rules and religious stories such as the story of creation. Creative Development... We will be planning, designing and making our own dinosaur parks and the buildings in them. We will be looking at primary and secondary colours and making collaborative images using natural materials. Welsh Development... We will be reading the story Ben y Brontosaurus, Tedi twt a Doli Glwt in the dinosaur park and Dewi the dinosaur. We will be learning to ask and answer questions using correct pronunciation. We will be writing factual information about dinosaurs. Physical Development... We will be looking at moving using trails and different obstacles, learning how to use equipment safely and properly. We will be learning to work in a clear space and be aware of hazards. Things I could do at home... Websites to help me learn... It would be lovely if you could read a book to your child each day and listen to them read their reading books. We would love you to help them spell high frequency words (list given). Playing traditional games like ‘Snakes and Ladders’ and ‘Guess Who’ really help with language development. Talk to your child and play, paint words, form letters in dough etc. There are some great websites you could also use: All about Dinosaurs: