ESL Live Introduction Session Welcome ESL Live Introduction Session
Who are we? Bryan Thompson ESL / English Program Manager
What is ESL Live? Fully online Easy to access Personalized Learning Quality Education Course Credit
Fully Online Live Classes Ready Set Go Basic Language Skills when and where the student is through our online platform. Live class with a professional Canadian teacher focused on real communication skills Creative and realistic language activities that help to build skills and demonstrate proficiency
Easy to Access
Personalized Learning 1 Diagnostic Assessment 3 Basic Grammar Knowledge Speaking Assessment Reading and Writing Assessment Differentiated Instruction Activities based on student Interests Assignments where students can express their ideas, opinions and prior knowledge 2 Leveled Courses 4 ESLAO ESLBO ESLCO ESLDO ESLEO Descriptive Feedback Detailed support for students Clear, actionable feedback based on rubrics and personalized for students.
Quality Education Designed by ESL and Education Technology Experts Based on the Ontario Education System Based on Education research from around the world.
Course Credit Ontario Accredited School
ESL Live Plus Ready Lesson Plan Support Lesson PowerPoint Set Instructions of the teacher to support student understanding Set Lesson PowerPoint PowerPoint to guide the instruction in class Go Supporting Materials Materials for learning activities
ESL Live Plus 1.5 Hour Lessons Introduces the class Checks the Level of the students Builds Understanding Helps students with assignments Introduces the class’ content
Next Steps Course Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 ESLAO 2 Units ESLBO ESLCO ESLDO ESLEO More Automatically Graded Quizzes and Assignments (as little grading as possible) Revised and Improved Assignment Instructions Better geared to a more general audience Down the road New Format / Look / Feel
Let’s take a look at how we do things differently?
Welcome ESLBO Trial Lesson
What we’ll learn If you were an animal? Easy Questions - Making a sentence into a question Is it easy? Yes, It is easy.
If I were an animal… I am… Choose an animal. How are you like that animal? monkey fox wolf snake I am… Friendly Creative Silly Smart A good listener sneaky rabbit cheetah owl moose rhino giraffe elephant zebra lion
Sentence Question Sentence: Question: Answer: He is a police officer. Sentence: Is he a police officer? Question: Yes, he is. Answer:
Sentence Question Only use: is / are / was Sentence Question You are a farmer. ____________________________ Is it a spider? The apple is green. Was the celebration big? The party is on Friday. Was the movie fun? You are in China. Only use: is / are / was
Eye spy! Is it a cranberry? No, it isn’t. From the picture, choose one thing. Then say “ I spy something that is blue.” Blackberry Is it a blueberry? Cranberry Yes, it is. Strawberry Blueberry
Eye spy! I’m thinking of something in the picture. Guess what it is by asking questions.
Eye spy! monkey I’m thinking of something in the picture. Guess what it is by asking questions. parrot toucan panther tiger flower frog butterfly leaves
Eye spy! I’m thinking of something in the picture. Guess what it is by asking questions.
Eye spy! I’m thinking of something in the picture. Guess what it is by asking questions.
What we learned If you were an animal? Easy Questions - Making a sentence into a question Is it easy? Yes, It is easy.
We look forward to seeing you in our next class. Thanks for joining us. We look forward to seeing you in our next class.
Thank you for joining us Further questions? Email: