Agro Tech International Ltd. New Zealand Effect of different concentrations of herbal, medicinal plants extracts mix POLTRON on productive performance and immune response to the ND vaccine of broiler chickens reared to slaughter age. By Associate Professor Dr. Zuhair Alchalabi, PhD College of Veterinary medicine University of Baghdad
Aims of the study with POLTRON on ROSS 308 Investigate the effectiveness of POLTRON on the performance, and immune response of commercial broiler chickens. Experimental Design and Methodology Two hundred one-day-old healthy Ross 308 chicks as hatched were obtained from a local hatchery. Subdivided into 4 groups (G1, G2, G3, and G4; 50 chicks in each group). The chickens were given 0.5% (G2), 1% (G3), and 1.5% (G4) of POLTRON in drinking water from one -day-old to the end of the experiment (35 days). Group1 (G1) was left without treatment as a control. Chicks were housed in separate pens (2.5×2.5m), in a traditional deep litter house at the Animal Unit/ College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Baghdad. Chicks were exposed to 23 h lighting during the experiment period. The temperature was set at 35℃ for the first 3 days and then decreased by 1℃ every 7 days until a final temperature of 25℃ was achieved.
Experimental Design and Methodology The broiler chicks were fed a commercial diet containing 23% CP and 3,225 MI kcal/kg of energy from 1 to 35 days of age. Each group was equipped with 3 hanging feeder and 2 water drinkers. Water and feed were offered ad libitum throughout the experimental period. Newcastle Disease (ND) vaccinations program was followed according to the commercial practice (at 10 days/ Hitcher B1 strain and Clone-30 strain at 21 days in drinking water). Ten chicks as hatched per treatment, were selected randomly for blood sampling via the jugular vein. Blood was collected individually in 10-ml non-anticoagulant heparinized tubes, and we reanalyzed for antibody titers against Newcastle Disease. Statistical analysis was performed using the computer software by David S. Walonick, Ph.D. (Copyright © 1996-2010, StatPac Inc.). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a 5% significance level was used to compare (mean ±SE) of the 4 groups
RSULTS Groups Parameters G4- 1.5% G3- 1% G2- 0.5% G1- Control G4- 1.5% G3- 1% G2- 0.5% G1- Control 725.58±54.11 AB 778.67±76.42 871.64±50.04 A 667.38±39.31 B Body Weight gain (g/chick) 1 1470.97±30.01 1680.00±31.17 1616.67±30.25 1402.08±31.45 Final Body Weight (g/chick) 2 1492.10±96.87 1774.30±141.51 1743.60±111.40 1504.30±88.80 Total Feed intake (g/chick) 3 1.01±3.22 1.06±120.90 1.07±0.37 1.07±1.09 FCR 4 2741.00±122.00 2852.50±143.00 572.50±212.00 427.00±41.00 ND HI titers 5 8% 5% 20% Mortality % 6 2678.60±188.96 2738.60±273.52 3162.10±205.30 2837.90±177.03 Water consumption (ml/chick) 7
RSULTS The productive performance of the chicks reared in this study were evaluated at the slaughter age of 35 days old (Table 1). The body weight gain in groups G2 (0.5%), G3 (1.0%), and G4(1.5%) were significantly (P< 0.05) higher than the control group (G1), furthermore, group G2 showed the highest body weight gain when compared to the control or groups 3 and 4. The results showed also that final body weight in groups 2 and 3 were significantly higher (P< 0.05) than that recorded in the control group or G4. Group G3, however, showed the highest body weight at the age of 35 day. Total feed intake in groups G2 and G3 were significantly (P<0.05) higher when compared to G1 and G4. However, there were no significant differences between groups G4 and G1. At 35 days of age, the Feed Conversion Ratio and water consumption showed no significant differences between the 4 groups. The antibody titer values (HI) for ND in groups 3 and 4 were significantly (P< 0.05) higher when compared to the control groups (G1) and G2. The mortality rate in Groups G2, G3, and G4 showed the lowest values compared to the control group.
The economic benefit of using POULTRON in drinking water The economic benefit of using POLTRON in drinking water to improve the productivity of the broiler chickens is very important. The result is clearly demonstrated that the farmer and the producer can achieve high body weight at the slaughter age without extra feed consumption, keeping in mind that FCR is the same in the traded and non-treated groups. In another word, the farmers and the chickens producers can achieve high profit without increasing feed intake, while keeping a constant FCR. On the other hand, using POLTRON in drinking water significantly increase flock protection against ND disease especially with 1%. The farmer and the producer will get extra profits from lower mortality, and lower number of vaccination times.
Conclusions In conclusions, the administration of POLTRON at the concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% significantly enhanced the productive performance of broiler chickens and increased the antibody titers against ND at the age of 35 days (slaughter age). And increase profitability of the flock. However, 1% of the product was the most superior, and it is recommended to be used as a water supplement in commercial chicken production. These results need further investigation.
1% of the product was the most superior.
Agro Tech International Ltd. New Zealand