Industry Overview India's travel and tourism sector ranks 7th in the world in terms of its total contribution to the country's GDP, the sum is equivalent to 9.6%. Travel and tourism sector generated Rs 14.1 trillion Revenue in 2016 Additionally, the sector created 40.3 million jobs in 2016, which ranks India 2nd in the world in terms of total employment generated. The sector accounts for 9.3% of the country's total jobs. Domestic Tourism contributes 88% to the Revenues 9 million international arrivals in 2016, placing it at 40th place in the world Restaurants are the largest growth area and will account for 78% of total people employed by 2022. Hotels are aspirational and will employ 17% of the workforce. Additionally, Facilities Management is going to be one of the largest employer with requirement of over 10 million jobs
About THSC THSC was formed in 2014, as an autonomous Society THSC is an Industry body Created of and for the Industry. Acts as are standard Platform to Connect Industry, Government, Skill Partners and Students. THSC works under the leadership and ambit of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. Our processes and policies are under the directives and guidance of MSDE and NSDC.
Sub Sectors of THSC;
Skilling ECO System at THSC; Standards Training Assessments & Certification Industry Connect
Members of Governing Body; SOME LARGE MEMBERS MEDIUM & SMALL MEMBERS COMPRISE ASSOCIATIONS / ACADEMIC PARTNERS Oberoi Hotels Bikanervala Welcomegroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration Mahindra Holidays and Resorts Speciality Group Of Restaurants Christ College, Bangalore The Taj Group Sarovar Hotels Indian Heritage Hotels Association Carlson Rezidor Group Duet Hotels National Restaurant Association of India Lemon Tree ATE Group Of Companies Travel Agents Association Of India Kuoni Destination Management Radisson Hotel Association Of India Everstone Capital Confederation of Indian Industry Jubilant Foodworks Le Passage Leela Hotels Sodexo
THSC Skilling Ecosystem 65 Qualification Packs 10 QP Used in PMKVY with Handbooks in multiple languages 27 QPs in use 45 Curriculum 5 Trans national QPs 19 State Skill Missions 62 Colleges under UGC 8 Schools boards 160 Training Partners affiliated 695 approved training centres across 28 states Candidates Certified 172989 746 Trainers Certified 12 Master Trainers Stand Alone Center 25 PMKK Centers 59 6 Assessment Bodies Empanelled Digitalized Training of Assessors Digital Assessments Result Audits Specialized Online Portal to Facilitate Industry placements Demand aggregation Industry Funded training Currently Industry Partners with over 500 units registered on SkillGrid
Capture Future Requirements Recognition of Prior Learning Key Features of the Portal Candidate Search: For Permanent Hire OJT ODC Apprenticeship Capture Future Requirements Recognition of Prior Learning Key Objectives Job Market Place Demand Aggregation Demand driven Training Industry Funded Training Apprenticeship Integration
PMKK – Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra Scope of Association Center of Excellence PMKK – Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra PMMKK – Pradhan Mantri Mahila Kaushal Kendra IISC – India International Skill Center Standalone centers