Translation Workzone
About Us Translation WorkZone is a leading translation company in India. We are a preeminent language service provider & translation wholesaler. We work for several blue chip companies, nonprofits, governments, several small businesses & individuals too. Not just end clients, but many global translation companies rely on our translation services and outsource to us from time to time when handling projects or languages for which they don’t have a resource or competitive edge.
How to Target the Foreign Clientele? According to a recent survey, it is concluded that more than 70% of internet users are non-English users and therefore, if you desire to target this substantial portion of foreign clients, it is very likely that your business would increase by manifold. It is no exaggeration that a client is not inclined to buy a product which he does not understand. So, what is the purpose of having a single language website catering only to a limited audience? Therefore, multi- language website is one of the best ways of expanding your business through remote customers. For this purpose, you need not spend a substantial amount in foreign currency either. Simply opt for the localization of software to your website and see the result yourself.
Popular CAT Tools As a Translation Companies In Mumbai, we have an experienced and professional team with profound technical knowledge of the relevant Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools to depend upon. Regardless of the application---whether desktop, client-server or the firmware or any other application, we can provide you the necessary software localization. In case you are contemplating small devices like the PDA or a mobile application too, we have the expertise with the relevant team.Translation Companies In Mumbai
id - Contact Number , Address - D-155, FF, Chattarpur Ext., New Delhi For more information just visit the following link: Translation Companies In Mumbai Translation Companies In Mumbai