“Inclusive Leadership” August 5, 2010 Andrew Jackson a program of ACCE Convention 2010 “Inclusive Leadership” August 5, 2010 Andrew Jackson Senior Vice President, Greater Cleveland Partnership and Executive Director Commission on Economic Inclusion
Overview Greater Cleveland Partnership/Commission Agenda Overview Greater Cleveland Partnership/Commission Achieving Inclusive Leadership Leadership Participation and Tools Achieving Results 2
Overview Greater Cleveland Partnership/Commission The Commission on Economic Inclusion is a program of the Greater Cleveland Partnership. This provides a significant advantage for fostering inclusive leadership. 16,000 Members 70 Board Members Focus Areas - COSE (Small Business) - Advocacy - Physical Development - Talent - Global Connections Mission To mobilize private-sector leadership, expertise and resources to create jobs and leverage investment to improve the economic vitality of the region. Mission To serve as a catalyst for advancing inclusion by creating jobs, wealth, and titles for minorities in the region. 100 Commission Members 50 Board of Advisor Members Focus Areas - Employer Survey - Diversity Professionals Group - Minority Business Accelerator - Access To Capital - Bonding Prep 3
Achieving Inclusive Leadership The Commission has engaged leadership at all levels, combined with metrics & measures and various implementation tools to achieve inclusive leadership. Metrics & Measures Executive Leadership Senior Management Leadership Operational Leadership Tools 4
Senior Management Inclusion Workforce Inclusion Metrics & Measures With leadership commitment, we have established and are measuring a five-year set of inclusion metrics for Northeast Ohio. The key metrics are around: Board Inclusion Senior Management Inclusion Workforce Inclusion Supplier Diversity Spend 5
Executive Leadership Tools Executive Leadership and Tools The Commission has engaged leadership at all levels. It starts “at the top” with the C-level executives. Executive Leadership Tools CEO Executive Director 1. CEO Commitment Form 2. Employer Survey 3. CEO Briefings 4. CEO 5 X 3 Agenda 5. CEO Report Card + 6
Sr. Executive Leadership Senior Executive Leadership and Tools With a cascading approach, the Commission has engaged leadership at the Senior Executive level. Sr. Executive Leadership Tools CFO COO Senior Managers Vice President 1. Best Practices Repository 2. Senior Executive Forums + 7
Operational Leadership Operational Leadership and Tools The remaining leadership level is amongst the operational leadership who is ultimately responsible for execution. Operational Leadership Tools Managers HR Leads Diversity Leads 1. Diversity Professionals Group 2. Leadership Forums + 8
Achieving Results Inclusive leadership has been beneficial to our region in addressing key inclusion metrics. Board Representation By Reporting Year (% of Inclusion) Sr. Mgmt Representation By Reporting Year (% of Inclusion) YEAR 2002 2007 2008 2009 2010 ACTUAL 14% 17% 18% 19% TBD GOAL N/A 20% YEAR 2002* 2007 2008 2009 2010 ACTUAL 9% 10% 14% 15% TBD GOAL N/A 16% 18% Workforce Representation By Reporting Year (% of Inclusion) Diversity Spend By Reporting Year (In $millions) YEAR 2002 2007 2008 2009 2010 ACTUAL N/A 22% 23% 25% TBD GOAL 27% YEAR 2002* 2007 2008 2009 2010 ACTUAL N/A $250 $285 $283 TBD GOAL $200 $300 * 2002 represents the first reporting year for the Employers Survey on Diversity under Greater Cleveland Roundtable 9