MSIG Workshop The Role of the GSR 4th November 2017
Agenda Andrew D – Welcome and Introductory Remarks Alan T - The Role of the GSR - The Informed Conscience Meeting - Questions on presentation Coffee Charles R - The GSR and The Home Group Brian P - The GSR into Wider Service General Sharing on the Topics
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The Three Legacies Recovery The Big Book The Twelve Steps Unity The Twelve Traditions Service The AA Service Manual + Twelve Concepts (The Third Legacy Manual) The AA Service Handbook for GB R
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 'Service' “An A.A. service is anything whatever that helps us reach a fellow sufferer - ranging all the way from the Twelfth Step itself to a ten-cent phone call and a cup of coffee, and to A.A.’s General Service Office for national and international action. The sum total of all these services is our Third Legacy of Service.” (Bill Wilson – AA Service Manual (The ‘Third Legacy Manual”) – page S1) (“Service does not need a job title” – GB Conference c2000))
The Role of the GSR What our literature tells us Alan T
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Tradition 2 For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Tradition 9 AA, as such, ought never be organised; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The Role of the GSR Bill W said, “the strength of our whole structure starts with the Group and with the General Service Representative (G.S.R.) that the Group elects”. .....................cont)
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 …cont) Working via the Intergroup the GSR is the Groups link with the General Service Conference, through which groups share experiences and voice AA's collective conscience. The GSR ... has the job of linking his or her group with A.A. as a whole. The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the groups' wishes to the committee member and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference and to the movement. Cont….
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 ….cont) ....This is a two-way street, allowing the GSR to bring back to the group the problems and remedies that affect AA unity, health and growth. To the extent that a GSR keeps the group informed, then expresses the group conscience, only to that extent can the Conference feel it is acting for AA as a whole. From: AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain – p 80
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The GSR General Service Representative (Worldwide since 1950) Group Service Representative (UK since 2004)
Responsibilities of a GSR Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Responsibilities of a GSR Share Fellowship mail.. news with group Keep members informed about local activities May be contact for referral Help group to solve problems Keep GSO (General Service Office) up to date for directory Vital link in chain between Group and Intergroup ... discuss IG agenda with group Represent group conscience at Intergroup ... Report back from Intergroup to group cont...
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 ........cont Attend all Intergroup meetings. Encourage observers to attend Intergroup Meetings Know the group so well that should unexpected matters come before the Intergroup meeting he or she will have a fair idea of the group's conscience Groups should also elect an Alternate GSR to stand in at Intergroup in the absence of the GSR From: AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain – p 81
Qualifications for a GSR Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Qualifications for a GSR Groups should take due care in electing their GSR, giving particular regard to the following:
Qualifications for a GSR Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Qualifications for a GSR Groups should take due care in electing their GSR, giving particular regard to the following: …suggested at least two or three years continuous sobriety and preferably not hold any other group office (..GSR may be eligible for .. Regional rep or Conference delegate.) The GSR should be a regular weekly attender at his or her group and be able to stand in for any other officer if necessary Have a good knowledge of AA structure Cont….
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 ..cont.) The GSR should: Have a working knowledge of : The Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions The AA Service Manual combined with The Twelve Concepts for World Service Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age The AA Service and Structure Handbooks for Great Britain The pamphlet The AA Group Be prepared to serve a minimum of two years The AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain p 81
Can a GSR be an Intergroup Officer?
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Alternate GSR It is suggested that groups should elect and alternate representative who would attend meetings should the need arise The AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain p 81
The Role of the GSR Reminder Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The Role of the GSR Reminder ....This is a two-way street, allowing the GSR to bring back to the group the problems and remedies that affect AA unity, health and growth. To the extent that a GSR keeps the group informed, then expresses the group conscience, only to that extent can the Conference feel it is acting for AA as a whole.
The Group Conscience and Communication How you establish the Group Conscience How do involve the Group? How do you communicate with the Group?
The Group Conscience and Communication You must have a group to start with Difference between a meeting and a group Informed Group Conscience
What is an Informed A.A. Group Conscience? The group conscience is the collective conscience of the group membership and thus represents substantial unanimity on an issue before definitive action is taken. This is achieved by the group members through the sharing of full information, individual points of view, and the practice of A.A. principles. To be fully informed requires a willingness to listen to minority opinions with an open mind. On sensitive issues, the group works slowly—discouraging formal motions until a clear sense of its collective view emerges. Placing principles before personalities, the membership is wary of dominant opinions. Its voice is heard when a well-informed group arrives at a decision. The result rests on more than a “yes” or “no” count—precisely because it is the spiritual expression of the group conscience. The term “informed group conscience” implies that pertinent information has been studied and all views have been heard before the group votes. Pamphlet – The AA Group – First Edition
Group Conscience Meetings Have a schedule (3-monthly?) Announce dates in advance Separate from normal meetings Home group members only Agenda in advance Timed Don’t rush to decisions Know how to control discussion Listen to the Minority – Ensure Everyone participates Use electronic communication
How to conduct a discussion See ‘Sharing Sessions’ S40 in ‘AA Service Manual’. Have a chairman and timekeeper Have a note taker Contributions time limited – one to two minutes Can only speak once until everyone who wishes to has spoken Chairman ensures everyone is asked if they want to speak Concept XII – continue discussions until substantial unanimity is reached – never less than two thirds majority for major decisions except in emergencies.
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The GSR is NOT! The Chief Officer of the Group Responsible for conducting Business Meetings and Group Consciences
The Role of the GSR Final Reminder! Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The Role of the GSR Final Reminder! Bill W said, “the strength of our whole structure starts with the Group and with the General Service Representative (G.S.R.) that the Group elects”. .....................cont)
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 The Role of the GSR ......... Working via the Intergroup the GSR is the Groups link with the General Service Conference, through which groups share experiences and voice AA's collective conscience. The GSR ... has the job of linking his or her group with A.A. as a whole. The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the groups' wishes to the committee member and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference and to the movement.
Role of the GSR and AA Structure March 19th 2009 Concept I Final Responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. ….. Services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.