WHAT IS THE MUSICAL ALPHABET? The notes used in music are named with a system of letters and symbols called the musical alphabet. We need the musical alphabet so everyone can describe the exact same notes when talking about music.
WHAT IS THE MUSICAL ALPHABET? CON’T To name the notes we use the first seven letters of the alphabet A through G — A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The notes named with these basic letters are called natural notes.
WHERE ARE THE MUSICAL WRITTEN? The Musical Staff The Musical Staff has:5 Lines & 4 Spaces
WHAT DOES THE LINES AND SPACES IN THE MUSICAL STAFF REPRESENT? THEY REPRESENT THE MUSICAL NOTES. The notes represented by the lines on the treble clef stave (bottom to top): (E, G, B, D, F) Every Good Boy Deserves Favour. And the notes represented by the spaces between the lines: (F, A, C, E) Furry Animals Cook Excellently. Or just the word FACE
THE TREBLE CLEF. The first symbol that appears at the beginning of every music staff is a clef symbol. It is very important because it tells you which note (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) is found on each line or space. For example, a treble clef symbol tells you that the second line from the bottom (the line that the symbol curls around) is "G". On any staff, the notes are always arranged so that the next letter is always on the next higher line or space. The last note letter, G, is always followed by another A.