Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) By: Kelsey Norton
"Failure is unimportant "Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool out of yourself."
"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
Early Life: Father and Mother were actors and singers Began his professional debut as a member of the juvenile group called "The Eight Lancashire Lads". His childhood was marked with poverty Began to work at a warehouse at age 7 1989 his mother was admitted to a mental asylum (psychosis) Soon after, his father became an alcoholic This resulted in him to take care of himself at a young age Early Life:
Involvement in Film: 12 years old was his first time acting in a show Sherlock Holmes That's when he began his career as a comedian 1910 traveled to America and joined the Fred Karno Repertoire Company Immediately popular 1912 offered a motion picture contract
Greatest Achievements: 'Modern Times' was selected to be preserved at the Library of Congress and ranked 33rd in the top 100 funniest movies in America 'The Gold Rush' was rated as the 'Second Greatest Film in History' by the critics of the Brussels World Fair This is a world wide organization of filmmakers 1972 he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame He has received a lot of awards and achievements
Video Clips: "The Roll Dance" From the film 'The Gold Rush' Factory Scene From the film 'Modern Times' Nonsense Song From the film 'Modern Times'
Personal Life: Married four times Mildred Harris (2 years) One child Lita Grey (3 years) Two children Paulette Goddard (6 years) Oona O'Neill (1943-death 1977) Eight children 18 and 53 Exiled from the United States in 1952
1952 Chaplin is a British citizen, however he did live in America for about 40 years Received accusations from Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee that he was associated with left-wing causes One of over 300 people blacklisted by the Hollywood film studios Therefore, he settled in Switzerland until the day he died He did return to the U.S one last time when his talent was finally recognized and he was awarded a Special Academy Award America's opinions and views on Chaplin became so negative that one of his films wasn't released until 16 years later Exiled!!
Short clip of Charlie's award in 1972
How is Charlie Chaplin Remembered? Brilliant comedian Started United Artist Film Studio His movies were silent, therefore they were shown all over the world "Considered to be one of the most pivotal stars of the early days of Hollywood." (IMDb) How is Charlie Chaplin Remembered?
Fun Facts: Three years after Chaplin was exiled, he received knighthood from the Queen After he died, his body was stolen from the grave and was missing for 11 weeks
(in films with Charlie Chaplin) "There is no man I have ever met…whose stage personality is better known than any other human being who has thus far been born on this star and who has more completely hidden his real personality than any other world figure. I never met an unhappier or a shyer human being than this Charles Spencer Chaplin." ~ De Casseres (in films with Charlie Chaplin)
How Do I Connect? Robin Williams often related comedy being a type of mask to hide the pain of depression. Both are incredible actors I was curious if Charlie was also depressed I would often use the term 'mask' I also believe to a certain extent that everyone wears a little mask every once in a while
Why Is He Important? Charlie Chaplin was the silent-film's first superstar This helped make the industry bigger than anyone could have imagined
The End!