Progress, plans and experiences Controls Generic Front-End Software (CGFES) & CO Hardware Abstraction Layer (COHAL) Progress, plans and experiences Steen Jensen on behalf of / in collaboration with: CLIC-ACM team: F. Locci, S. Magnoni, B. Bielawski FESA team: S. Deghaye, G. Sivatskiy CCDB team: Z. Zaharieva, J. Lopez De Coca, A. Fernandes CMX team: F. Ehm, Y. Fischer, P. Jurcso Timing team: J.-C. Bau, I. Kozsar, X. Piroux Driver team: D. Cobas, M. Arruat, J. Lewis, L. Gago Installation team: C. Dehavay, E. Said, S. Catin HW team: M. Cattin, T. Wlostowski OASIS team: A. Poncet, R. Bella
Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013 Presentation Context and architecture overview Objectives CGFES workflow COHAL progress CGFES progress Device migration planning Experiences and suggestions Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Context and architecture overview - After LS1, equipment groups will be responsible for their own systems/FECs and will provide first line support for them - Some controls-related FEC functionalities are generic and is provided by CO - CGFES (CO Generic Front-end Software) provides FESA classes supporting the following functionalities: Function generation Digital input/output Analog input/output Delay of pulses - COHAL = CO Hardware Abstraction Layer Applications / Working sets / Knobs InCA/LSA/AcqCore CMW FESA framework CGFES (FESA classes) COHAL Driverlib Driver Firmware FEC module Field bus Machine hardware Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013 Objectives Migrate a maximum number of GM devices to FESA3 Migrate a maximum number of FESA2 devices to FESA3 Align the COHAL layer with CO standards Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Class/instance migration workflow FESA2 class GM class Class code Class design Class design GM Class design Instance data “D1” (GM ) “D1-OLD” (GM) @dummyFEC Instance file (“D1-NEW”) Device migration map Instance data FESA3 instances “D1-NEW” (FESA3) @FEC1 Class migration map Meta-data Deploy Unit Design Deploy Unit “D1” (FESA3) @FEC1 WorkingSet/Knob definitions FESA3 developer workspace CCDB Deploy Unit D1 Reference Settings Working set D1 Knob D1 D1 (FESA3 ) InCA DB FEC1 Consoles Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
CGFES - Classes June 2013 New November 2013 Machine hardware Field bus FEC module Firmware Driver Driverlib COHAL CGFES (FESA classes) FESA framework CMW InCA/LSA/AcqCore Applications / Working sets / Knobs CGAFG CGPFG LN2WDog CGDIO CGAO CGAI FEAlimMonitor June 2013 fg dio ao ai fecdiag SNMP CVORB CVORG GFAS VMOD-TTL VMOD-DOR ICV196 VMOD-12A2 VMOD-12E8 WIENER crate Todo: 3 classes - bitmaps, enums and values New CGAFG CGPFG Ln2WDog CGDIO CGAO CGAI FEAlimMonitor CGTDEL cohal-diag cohal-diag cohal-diag cohal-diag cohal-diag cohal-diag November 2013 cohal-fg cohal-dio cohal-ao cohal-ai cohal-fecdiag cohal-tim SNMP CVORB CVORG GFAS VMOD-TTL VMOD-DOR ICV196 VMOD-12A2 VMOD-12E8 WIENER crate FMC-FINE-DELAY Done: New ICV196 driver integrated Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Progress COHAL now conforms to CO standards Moved to Make generic Releasing to SVN as <project>/<project-product> Deploying using major.minor.tiny versioning Documentation re-enabled and linked with CGFES Wiki No support for LynxOS in new version Compiles for SLC5 and SLC6 Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Progress COHAL now provides diagnostics Exceptions standardized and catchable by FESA cmwLogging integrated CMX integrated New timing library (timdt) integrated No timing service provided to FESA classes Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
CGFES Class/instance migration FESA2 class GM class Class code Class design Class design GM Class design Instance data “D1” (GM ) “D1-OLD” (GM) @dummyFEC Instance file (“D1-NEW”) Device migration map Instance data FESA3 instances “D1-NEW” (FESA3) @FEC1 Class migration map Meta-data Deploy Unit Design Deploy Unit “D1” (FESA3) @FEC1 WorkingSet/Knob definitions FESA3 developer workspace CCDB Deploy Unit D1 Reference Settings Working set D1 Knob D1 D1 (FESA3 ) InCA DB FEC1 Consoles Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
CGFES progress Class implementations nearly done CGFES Class Status Functionality CGAFG Done: Migrated from FESA2 to FESA3 Arbitrary Function Generation CGPFG Periodic Function Generation CGDIO-B Done: New FESA3 class implemented Digital I/O, bitmap CGDIO-E Being implemented Digital I/O, enumeration CGDIO-C Digital I/O, continuous CGAO Done: Upgraded to latest FESA3 version Analogue output CGAI Analogue input CGTDEL Pulse delays FEAlimMonitor Todo: Migration to FESA3 + ELMA support FEC power supply monitoring via SNMP SISL2Watchdog Todo: Upgrade to latest FESA3 Linac2 watchdog Legend: Ok Minor work remains Some work remains Problems Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
CGFES progress Class migration maps nearly done Status GFAS -> CGAFG Done DIGIO->CGDIO-B (Done) DIGIO->CGDIO-E Todo DIGCTL->CGDIO-C AIOX->CGAO AIOX->CGAI CGTDEL FEAlimMonitor SISL2Watchdog Legend: Ok Minor work remains Some work remains Problems Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
CGFES / COHAL estimates Developments/tests Class Todo Effort Who COHAL Diagnostics 3 days Steen CGAFG Test 1 day Stefano CGPFG CGDIO_E Develop/test 2 days Bartek/Steen CGDIO_C CGAO CGAI FEAlimMonitor Move to FESA3 + ELMA support SISL2Watchdog Upgrade FESA3 Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Planning Device migrations Machine Migration Submit by Ready by Needed by PSB 4 DIGIO -> CGDIO 29 Nov2013 13 Dec 2013 01 Feb 2014* CPS 75 GFAS -> CGAFG 29 Nov 2013 07 Apr 2014* 6 DIGIO -> CGDIO 13 DIGCTL -> CGDIO 3 PTIMD -> CGTDEL LEI 4 AIOX -> CGAO Dec 2014 3 GFAS -> CGAFG 17 Jan 2014 > March 2014 12 DIGCTL -> CGDIO 2 PTIMD -> CGTDEL AD 17 Jan 2013 31 Jan 2013 6 DIGCTL -> CGDIO CTF 13 PTIMD -> CGTDEL As requested * No EIS devices => not needed for access tests in Feb 2014 Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Experiences and suggestions Product Issue Suggestion / comment CCDB Migration of instance data Class-by-Class solution involving expert Promotion requires manual DU renaming/deletion Solved: Tool available since Tuesday 19 Nov Event mapping FESA2 -> FESA3 Automate FESA Rolling buffer Seems to work now USER.ALL Solved: isRealUser() Alarm key length check Todo Plugin functionality – guidance and reporting Issues solved CMX/CLIC CMX atomic operations (SIP4C, 13 Nov 2013) Must be stabilized soon CLIC agents not up to date Update for CMX compatibility Timing Crash of timdt on initialization Reported as fixed yesterday, not yet tested by CGFES Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Experiences and suggestions Product Issue Suggestion Driver Bugs – ICV196, Fine-Delay, CVORB load delay Pre-release testing driverLib Deploy-location not clear Decide deploy location Deploy-approach not as in other projects Follow CO convention of project/product based Versioning Follow CO convention of major.minor.tiny Firmware Bugs – Fine-Delay address space, CVORB loading No release/deploy management Implement release/deployment management Different version in operational modules Test procedure in connection with physical installation Hardware Failures – Fine-delay Test stand for testing modules Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013 Conclusions Changes in many components lead to big debugging overhead COHAL layer aligned with CO conventions CGFES FESA3 development 90% done, will be ready on time Device migrations will be ready on time Required in order to prepare for operation: Stabilize FESA / CCDB Stabilize CMX driverLib versioning, preferably as project/product Firmware deployment procedure Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Device migrations – GM to CGFES Machine GFAS DIGIO DIGCTL PTIMD FDELAY AIOX CPS 101/~75/0 15/6/0 35/13/0 35/3/0 0/0/0 PSB 73/0/18 6/4/0 55/0/0 14/0/2 LEI - tbc 3/3/0 13/12/0 8/2/0 4/4/0 AD 23/0/0 17/6/0 67/6/0 14/2/0 11/2/0 CTF - tbc 10/0?/0 13/?/0 48/0?/0 127/0?/0 LN2 5/0/0 LN3 7/0/0 1/0/0 LN4 SPS LHC REX ISO current/todo/done Legend: Ok Minor work remains Some work remains Problems Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013
Device migrations – FESA2 to FESA3 Machine CGAFG CGPFG CGDIO CGAO CGAI CGTDEL CPS 23/?/0 0/0/0 SPS 1/?/0 LEI 59/?/0 AD 52/52/0 CTF 4/?/0 24/?/0 REX 12/12/0 ISO 1/1/0 LN2 LN3 LN4 PSB LHC current/todo/done Legend: Ok Minor work remains Some work remains Problems Steen Jensen, BE-CO-FE - CO Technical Commitee, 21 November 2013