GCE Applied ICT G053: Lesson 01 Introduction To The Unit Mr C Johnston
Learning Outcome Know what the unit is about Understand what you need to learn Understand how the unit is assessed Details of how the unit is structured
About The Unit This unit will help you to: Understand the requirements for setting up a website Know a range of terminology relating to the internet Know the differences in the range of web programming languages available for developing web pages and components within them Understand differences between internet and intranet sites, and the network security implications of running web servers How to design and develop a website with content which will be hosted on the internet
Topics Covered In this unit you will learn about: Components within webpage's and the technologies used to create them Criteria which can be used to judge how good a website is, Technologies behind webpage’s including hosting methods and domain names Techniques which can be used to design webpage's WYSIWYG web authoring tools and how to use HTML and other programming code Testing procedures
Assessment You will produce a portfolio of evidence based upon an assignment The work is marked out of 50 which after moderation will become a mark out of 100 The deadline for the work will be February 2018 The grade boundaries are subject to change but will be around 24 for an E and 44 for an A
What you will produce An evaluation of commercial websites that have been downloaded Analysis and design notes for a website that has at least three pages, together with detailed plans for publishing your website Annotated print outs of your web pages in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) format identifying the features and techniques used in the web page Annotated printouts of your web pages in HTML format identifying edits to script commands to change page layout; Documentation of website testing An evaluation of both your website and the components used to produce it, and your own performance
Expectations You are expected to: Turn up to lessons on time, having completed any homework set Meet the intermediate and final deadlines Catch up on any work missed due to being absent Respond to any feedback given and make refinements to your work
Activity Read the unit specification and produce a glossary defining any technical terms which you currently don’t understand