SuperB EMC Computing Foreseen activities and software/computing needs David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop SLAC December 7, 2007
The upgrade of the BABAR EMC for SuperB The barrel CsI(Tl) array, the single most expensive component of BABAR, is carried over to SuperB Barrel CsI(Tl) crystals unchanged, except for modification of digital filter Extend rear barrel coverage Possible PID system in front of forward endcap Replace forward endcap with LYSO crystals Add rear endcap “veto calorimeter” Pb/scintillator David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
The upgrade of the BABAR EMC for SuperB The barrel CsI(Tl) array, the single most expensive component of BABAR, is carried over to SuperB The preamp digital filter constants may have to be shortened The rear housing can be extended to add three rings of CsI(Tl) crystals to improve solid angle coverage Modify geometry in PRAVDA and, eventually, to MC and reconstruction code Replace the CsI(Tl) forward endcap crystals with LYSO, which has a shorter Molière radius, shorter decay time and is much more radiation resistant Better segmentation (perhaps three sets of rings, with 240, 200 and 160 crystals) Optimize crystal configuration, study effect of wrapping and support structure material Study effect of possible PID system in front of the endcap Add new geometry to PRAVDA and, eventually, to MC and reconstruction code David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
The upgrade of the BABAR EMC for SuperB - continued The rear solid angle coverage can be improved by adding a veto calorimeter in the rear, covering ~ 300-600 mrad polar angles This does not have to be (and indeed cannot be) a high resolution device A segmented Pb/scintillating fiber device is a good choice Optimize coverage and segmentation Add rear endcap to PRAVDA and, eventually, to MC and reconstruction code David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
The LYSO beam test – computing needs We are working towards a beam test of a section of the LYSO calorimeter in (early) 2009, with the aim of focusing the R&D effort Computing needs Optimize LYSO geometry Optimize wrapping material and linearization of response Study effect of material in front of calorimeter Pattern recognition code in new geometry Calibration Analysis of beam test data PRAVDA MC MC GEANT MC GEANT MC It is urgent that we make it possible for non-BABARian SuperB collaborators to have access to PRAVDA and perhaps other software tools David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
EMC R&D computing needs – TDR phase Optimize geometry (barrel extension, forward EC, rear EC) against a series of representative physics processes Modes involving photons, missing energy, and for studying the efficacy of the forward PID, kaons or protons Determine optimum parameters of the digital filter for the CsI(Tl) photodiode and LYSO APD readout systems Requires the ability to mix background and physics MC events Computing support for the engineering effort to design the mechanical stuctures and the preamp/DAQ systems David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
Request for the computing superB group related to the Perugia Next three slides from Claudia Cecchi, Perugia Request for the computing superB group related to the Perugia plans for the EMC simulation activities. Mainly two topics of interest: - simulation of the endcap EMC inside the general detector simulation framework of the experiment study of physics channels important for the endcap EMC performance (, B , BK(bar)) Claudia Cecchi David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
As of today we can only express interest but not say more in terms of time schedule/manpower/… Perugia is involved also in test beam activities, test beam simulation and study of mechanical structure for EMC and we are very few people at the moment. Not clear the situation of manpower in the near future ( except for 1 undergraduate student joining the group in January) We would like to ask anyone who is interested in those two topics to let us know to identify a possible collaboration scheme. Alternatively, we could just select one of the two above mentioned topics. Claudia Cecchi David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
Request for the computing group: Seen what explained in the previous slide, at the moment we would just ask for a future access to the BaBar software (for the simulation it would not be necessary to start from scratch, the barrel of EMC will not change and part of the software could maybe be modified also for the endcap) At the beginning of the activity we believe we have enough resources in terms of machines/disks/CPU to start without major problems. Hope to clarify the situation asap. Claudia Cecchi David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007
David Hitlin SuperB Computing miniWorkshop Dec. 7, 2007