Bristol Central High School December 15, 2017 B Day
Today’s Lunch Menu: Hot Buffet: BBQ grilled chicken or Rib b que Grill: pizza or calzone Grab & Go: assorted sandwich boats, assorted grinders (ham, turkey, tuna, pepperoni, salami or roast beef), small salad, large salad (teriyaki chicken, ham, turkey or tuna), Colombo yogurt Deli: individually made grinders and sandwiches (ham, turkey, tuna, pepperoni, salami or roast beef)
Seniors Seniors, if you have been to the scholarship board in School Counseling, please note that one has revoked the scholarship! The Ronald McDonald House Charities Foundation has suspended their scholarship for the time being. If they decide to re-activate, I will let you know. (MJP)
Seniors Seniors, if you have been to the scholarship board in School Counseling, please note that one has a changed deadline date! The Miracle League of CT has a new deadline (earlier) of Friday, March 23. Please come get a new application or note the date. (MJP)
GX Club GX will meet today, Friday, December 15 in the Library from 2:00 to 3:45 p.m. (PJ)
Mr. BCHS Sign-Ups It's time for Mr. BCHS sign-ups! Mr. BCHS is the senior boys pageant run by the InterAct Club. This year’s show will be held on Saturday, April 28, 2018. All money raised from the show is donated to a charity or charities. Mr. BCHS is a four month commitment that requires participants to be serious and to participate actively in weekly Sunday night practices for the show. See Mrs. M-D in room 29 by Tuesday, December 19 for info, contract, and to sign up. (KMD)
Staff & Students Bristol Central do you have talent? Saturday January 20 will be our annual talent show and we are looking for all you singers, dancers, jugglers, musicians etc. to come out and audition for the show. Auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 9 after school. There is a sign up sheet outside of Miss Rossier's office in Guidance now so come down and sign up to audition. There will be cash prizes for the top three acts. If you want to audition but can't make it on January 9, see Mrs. Machol or Miss Rossier in Guidance.
Staff & Students Do you know what a dingle hopper is? If so, the drama department WANTS YOU!!!! Join us for a workshop where you learn everything you need to be ready for auditions for The Little Mermaid. The workshop will be tomorrow, Friday, December 15 after school in the auditorium. Auditions and callbacks are the following week. Follow BCHS Footlights on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the most up to date information as well as links and videos to help prepare you for auditions! Come be part of our world--the world of live theater--for a life-changing, unforgettable experience! (LD)
Staff & Students The Sophomore class will be selling Candy Cane Grams during lunch waves on December 18-December 20. Candy canes are $1 each and will have a festive card attached. Candy canes will be delivered to students on Friday, December 22 during school. Celebrate the holiday season and buy a candy cane for a friend, secret crush or favorite teacher. (KM)
Staff & Students The National Honor Society is collecting non-perishable food items for its annual Holiday food drive. The food drive will run through Wednesday, December 20. Collection boxes are located in teacher's classrooms throughout the building. All the food items will be given to a local food bank servicing the Bristol community. Prizes will be awarded to the 2 teachers with the most food items. Some teachers might give students extra credit points for the items they bring in. However, it is up to the teachers to decide their own individual extra credit policy. (PP)
Students Students, please be sure to check the school counseling bulletin board across the hall from the nurse's office for current job and volunteer opportunities, and other important announcements and events. (SM)
Perfect Attendance for November Research shows that student attendance is critical to academic success. In an effort to increase our attendance rates, the following students are being recognized for their attendance during the month of November. Their names will be entered into a drawing for a BC prize pack!
Follow us on Twitter @ BCHS_Guidance Students Follow us on Twitter @ BCHS_Guidance Stay up-to-date with upcoming college visits, scholarship news and deadlines and more!
Students Be Creative Be Conscientious Be Collaborative Be Committed