Monday, November 6th, 2017 Reminders from last week: Need to check notebook for notes on 2 things the speaker did well and 2 things the speaker needed to improve on (Checked notebooks on Friday). Speak to me before or after class. Need to finish presentation (check board). Speak to me before or after class. Self-Evaluation for Argumentative Speech (check with Mr. Burns if you didn't do it last week; it was on October 31st). Speak to me before or after class. ACT Words of the Day: antagonize and apprehensive (definitions for both) Greek and Latin Root: scope means look; locate a word on Vocabulary Lesson Development for a word using the Greek or Latin root scope and use it in a sentence. Microscope, Telescope, etc... Write two conjunction sentences using antagonize and apprehensive. Two complete sentences separated by but, and, or –or- separated with a colon or semi-colon.
Basha Gives Back Issue The purpose of the Basha High School English department research project is to foster in-depth investigation into current, applicable issues that plague our individual lives and the greater communities we are a part of. We hope that investigation will inspire further involvement in these areas and hope to solve, resolve, or alleviate issues in some way when we can. The students are asked to work independently, with support from teachers, and have the freedom of choice in their topic selections. The final result of the project is to have each student reflect on the project's essential question: How can I practice Benevolence, Honor, and Scholarship (the BHS mission) in my own area?
Personal Narrative Today, students will answer the following question: Why should I care about your issue? Personal Narrative writing: Write about a personal experience you have with your Basha Gives Back issue or tell someone else's personal experience with the issue. Rough Draft---->Peer Review----->Rewrite----->Final Draft uploaded to First paragraph: The opening of the essay needs to let the reader know the essence of what you will be describing and your point of view. Second paragraph: The body of the story needs to give the reader a very clear idea of what happened and how you (the author) feel about that. The story can be told chronologically or the facts may be grouped by importance or type. Third paragraph: The final paragraph needs to wrap up and state the point of the story, whether it is a lesson, an idea, or just a learning experience.
Personal Narrative Examples for Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder http://www.anothersou question.html
Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 ACT Words of the Day: arcane and assert (write word and define it) Greek and Latin Root of the Day: son and its English translation is sound. Sonar, Sonic, Sonnet, Assonance, Dissonance, Consonant, and Resonate (DO NOT DEFINE SON) Write a Declarative Sentence(s) or an Interrogative Sentence(s) (ask a question) for ACT Words and One of the Greek/Latin root word. Declarative sentences make a statement to relay information or ideas. They are punctuated with a simple period. Example: Food stamps are the biggest and most expensive component of the farm bill— an arcane piece of legislation that sets farm policy. Peer Review Personal Narrative Rough Drafts
Today's Agenda New ACT Words and Roots Creative Writing Warm-up 2nd Peer Review Re-write 2nd draft of Personal Narrative Mr. Burns edits draft (optional)
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 ACT Words for the Day: Attribute (verb)-regard something as being caused by someone or something; a quality--- attribution, attributes----> Bear (verb)- endure an ordeal or difficulty---bearing--->The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. Befall (verb)- (of something bad) happen to someone---befallen, befalling, or befalls---- >There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. Burgeon (adjective)- begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish---burgeoning, burgeoned, burgeons--->Her heart expanded, her soul seemed to burgeon and to bloom. Roots of the Day: stell (star) and dec (ten) and amat (love)
Warm-up Writing Assignment Finish this story using the four new ACT Words of the Day: A new student walks into Mr. Burns' classroom.... ACT Words you MUST use in your story: burgeon, befall, bear, and attribute Once you are finished I want you to show me your story!!!!
Write your response in your notebook then we will discuss. Romanticism After watching the video on Romanticism, DESCRIBE what Romanticism means to you. Write your response in your notebook then we will discuss.