Joseph Conrad Life and Work
Early life-Family Background Patriotic,noble family His father was a writer and influenced him He did not speak English fluently until 20 Romanticism,precursor of modernist literature Joseph Conrad+Jessie George= 2 sons:John and Borys.
Criticism Chinua Achebe’s essay Conrad seen as a “thoroughgoing racist” Debates caused by the essay
The Book General Facts
Author: Joseph Conrad Country: United Kingdom Language: English Genre: Novella Publisher: Blackwood’s Magazine Publication date: 1902
Dark side of Belgian colonization 2 tasks: -Ivory -bringing back Kurtz 3 main ideas: -Congo wilderness -cruel treatment of the natives -darkness within every human being for committing evil acts
The Plot Charlie Marlow works for a Belgian trading company His journey to Africa There meets Kurtz Discover the rough life the native inhabitants live Spend time with Kurt Kurt, eventually dies
The Characters Charlie Marlow
General manager Pilgrims Russian trader Kurtz’s African mistress Kurtz’s Intended
Themes Madness as a Result of Imperialism The Absurdity of Evil
Motifs & Symbols Interiors and Exteriors Darkness Fog Women The River
Movie It was made In 1993 Directed by Nicolas Roeg Stars: Tim Roth and John Malkovich