28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Visions October 9, 2016 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cover What is an outsider? Circle five qualities that you think most often make kids outsiders?
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 Tuesday 10/11 What season are we in? Ordinary Time What cycle are we in? C 5 Parts: Narrator 1, Leper, Jesus, Narrator 2, Healed Leper Discuss TALK ? Theme: God’s love is for all What evidence is in the Gospel that points to the theme? Your Personal Theme:
Bishop, Priest, and Deacons Serve the Christian Community p Bishop, Priest, and Deacons Serve the Christian Community p.5 Wednesday 10/12 need 5 minutes on Thursday 4th period 6th period just started Group Work – If not finished in class finish for homework Read page 5 and page 25 in What the Church Believes and Teaches Outline the information from both using the following Aim: What are the three degrees of Holy Orders and what are their duties?
Aim: What are the three degrees of Holy Orders and what are their duties? Deacon Two types First step to becoming a priest Permanent deacons Proclaim the Gospel Baptize and witness marriages Priest Celebrate the sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick Bishop Fullness of the sacrament Pastor of the diocese All the sacraments
“Prayer: Expressing Our Faith, Responding to God’s Love” p. 6 What are the Five kinds of prayer? Blessing: we bless God, the source of every blessing Petition: We ask for what we or others need Adoration: we feel awe before the creator Thanksgiving: giving thanks for all God does Praise: We recognize God is God Work with your partner to write each kind of prayer, if not completed finish for homework
“bread for the world” p. 8 Homework Read page 8 and visit bread.org . Write a paragraph (5 sentences minim) to answer the following question. Give examples of how breadfortheword does both charity and justice. What will you do to end hunger?
Do Centering Prayer p.7 Read the page 7 Are you interested in trying to do centering prayer?