Student Services Orientation Sept. 15-19, 2014 One year of Get Fresh! Get Promoted! Student Services Orientation Sept. 15-19, 2014 Your mission:
Agenda Student Services Counselors Promotion Requirements Graduation Requirements Your Grade Point Average (GPA) Athletic & Driver’s License Eligibility Attendance Q & A
Ms. Valorie Hallenbeck Lav-O Counselors: Mrs. Patty Miller, Assistant Dean Hint-Lau Mr. Stefon Lowman P-Sit Ms. Toria Greene A-Cri Mr. Chuck Small Cro-Hinn Ms. Valorie Hallenbeck Lav-O Ms. Jill Ray Siu-Z
Other people who can help you Mrs. Philomena Karol, Dean of Students pkarol Ms. Ina Nyko, School Psychologist inyko Ms. Brandy Lyons, Student Assistance Program Counselor blyons Ms. Nancy McMillan School Nurse nmcmillan Ms. Sharon Manning, Career Development Coordinator smanning1 Ms. Debbie Fluke Guidance Tech dfluke Mr. Brandon Clowers, School Social Worker bclowers Ms. Nancy Stewart, Registrar nstewart Ms. Kelley Schroeder, Intervention Coordinator kschroeder
Use your counselor’s email for quick questions: ( Toria Greene tgreene A-Cro Chuck Small csmall Cro-Hinn Patty Miller pmiller5 Hint-Lau Valorie Hallenbeck vhallenbeck Lav-O Stefon Lowman slowman P-Sit Jill Ray jray4 Siu-Z
For news from Student Services @EnloeStdntSrvcs Student Services Website Text ‘@7dbd2’ to 919.729.5123 or email:
The BEST way to see my counselor is: Email your counselor using your Wake County student email address. Your counselor will email you your appointment time. Print the email and show it to your teacher as your pass. OR You may come to Student Services and fill out a form to request an appointment with your counselor.
Which grades are used to calculate my GPA? A) Quarter Grades B) Semester Grades C) Final Grades D) All of the Above
To calculate your grade point average (GPA), take the total number of quality points earned and divide it by the total number of potential credits.
GPA: 26 / 7 = 3.71 GPA: 29 / 7 = 4.14 Example 1: English 1 B - 3 Algebra 1 A - 4 World History A - 4 Earth Science B - 3 Healthful Living A - 4 Art 1 A - 4 Spanish 1 A – 4 26 Example 2: (H) English 1 B - 4 Algebra 1 A - 4 (H) World History A - 5 (H) Earth Science B - 4 Healthful Living A - 4 Art 1 A - 4 Spanish 1 A – 4 29 GPA: 26 / 7 = 3.71 GPA: 29 / 7 = 4.14
YES OR NO! I must pass ALL of my classes to be promoted. A) YES B) NO
Grade 10 4 credits 1 credit must be English I 2 credits must be Math, Science, or Social Studies Grade 11 8 Credits 2 credits must be English I and II 1 credit in each area, Math, Science, and Social Studies Grade 12 14 credits* 3 credits must be English I, II, and III** Student must be enrolled in a program that will complete graduation requirements.
Students must pass 75% of their courses to obtain and maintain a driver’s license. (5 out of 7 courses) OR
All incoming freshmen are eligible for athletics during the fall semester of their freshman year. BUT After the first semester of freshman year, students are only eligible if they: 1) Passed 5 of 7 classes during the semester previous to the sport they wish to play, 2) Had a minimum 1.5 GPA (or 2.0 in the previous semester), and 3) Attended school at least 85% of the days in the past semester.
How much do my final exams (teacher made/ EOC) count in my final grade calculation? B) 10 / 15% C) 20 / 25% D) 50%
How many credits do I need to graduate? B) 21 C) 22 D) 25
Future Ready Core 4 English: English I, II, III, IV 4 Math: Math I, Math II, Math III, Math beyond Math III 3 Science: Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, Physical Science 4 Social Studies: World History, Civics & Economics, American History 1 & 2 1 Healthful Living: Healthful Living A (Fall), Healthful Living B (Spring) 6 Electives: REQUIRED - any 2 from arts, second language or career and technical education (a minimum of 2 years of the same second language are required for admission to the UNC University System). RECOMMENDED - any 4 that form an educational concentration - may be from any subject area including arts, career and technical education, or any subject area or combination. 22 Total Credits
What do colleges count as an extracurricular activity? A) Sports B) Job C) School club D) Community group (ex. Church, Boy Scouts) E)All of the above
Coming soon: Career Assessment Ninth-graders will meet with Ms. Manning (Career Development Coordinator) and one of the alpha counselors. During social studies course Week of Oct. 1 in media center Take CFNC career assessment
Now, go have ONE great freshman year! We are here to help you, so please don’t be afraid to ask! Now, go have ONE great freshman year!