ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 76 trade unions in 30 countries Represents about 2.4 Mio. workers Is Organising Workers in : Construction Building materials Wood industry Furniture Forestry ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 European Federation of Building and Woodworkers General Assembly Executive Committee Standing Committee Wood Standing Committee Construction Health- and Safety Co-ordination Group Coordinaors Group for EWCs Network Vocational Training ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 Tasks of the EFBWW Coordination of trade union policy Cooperation between trade unions Lobbying the European institutions European and national social dialogue European Works councils Health and safety ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 What is Social Dialogue ? Social dialogue is the term used to describe a joint consultation procedure involving the social partners. It involves discussion, joint action and sometimes negotiations and discussions with the EU institutions on the future development of Community action and social policy proposals ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 Social Dialogue at sectoral level EFBWW is engaged in three social dialogues; Construction: with FIEC Wood Industry: with CEI/Bois Furniture industry: with UEA and EFIC ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 Aims of the social dialogue Developing joint positions on main topics for the benefit of the industry Coming to a social responsible and sustainable industry Influencing the European legislative process ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 Structure of the ESD Construction ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010
ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010 Areas of activities - Construction Labour market policies - Posting of Workers D. - Undeclared labour - Self employment - Crisis Health and Safety - Construction site D. - Working at heights D. - Nanotechnologies – OSHMS guide - Cement Vocational training European Qualification framework (EQF) – Bricklayer – Demographic Change ITCILO ETUC Project on Social Dialogue – Turin 6 May 2010