Anti-bullying week 2017 13th – 17th November 2017
Anti-bullying week 2017 13th – 17th November 2017 Am I being Bullied? It is important to recognise the differences between Bullying and having problems with your friends. Friendship issues are something that happen occasionally and can be upsetting. Usually there is no physical violence involved. Friendship issues can often be resolved quite quickly with the right sort of support.
Key messages this year 13th – 17th November 2017 We are all individuals; all different and all equal. This should be celebrated and we all should feel safe enough to be ourselves without fear of judgement or ridicule. Richard Branson Dyslexic Worth £5 billion Lots of charity work Turia Pitt Major burns Motivational speaker Supports others Stephen Hawkins Motor Neuron Disease World expert on the universe. David Bowie World famous musician Major influence on music, culture, fashion.
OR ANYTHING THAT SEEMS DIFFERENT Different types of bullying 13th – 17th November 2017 BASED ON Appearance Race Physical Verbal Abilities Gender Cyber Social OR ANYTHING THAT SEEMS DIFFERENT
BULLIES NEED HELP. THEY ARE A LITTLE BIT BROKEN. Why do bullies bully? 13th – 17th November 2017 Bullies bully because it is learned behaviour i.e. they have been bullied (when younger / by a family member, etc]. Bullies often bully due to some stress or trauma in their life [death, parents splitting, abuse]. People respond to stress differently. Bullies are more likely to come from a difficult home life. Bullies are more likely to be insecure in themselves , their achievements and their relationships. Bullies often have low self-esteem and use bullying to feel some sort of control in their lives. BULLIES NEED HELP. THEY ARE A LITTLE BIT BROKEN.
What can we do to stop it? Tell a friend or trusted adult. 13th – 17th November 2017 Tell a friend or trusted adult. If online – block or unfriend (and report). Build your confidence – try something new, do something nice for someone, write down what you like about yourself. Practice being assertive
13th – 17th November 2017 Thought for the Week We are all different, in many ways. And none of those differences makes any one of us better or worse than anyone else. They simply make use the person we are – valuable, distinct and unique. For each person you meet today – whether they are your best friend or a total stranger – try to find a way to make them feel valued and that they are someone special and important. Think how you would want to feel in your turn.
13th – 17th November 2017 Thought for the Week Youtuber, Zoella
“You never look good trying to make someone look bad” More messages for 2017 13th – 17th November 2017 “You never look good trying to make someone look bad” Click image to access 2017 Video
Final message for 2017 13th – 17th November 2017 How do you feel if you are treated differently just for being different? What do you do to make people feel bad just for being different? Why do you do this? What are you going to do to make the world a better place for everybody; no matter how different they are? When are you going to start doing this? Why not today?