Creation Stories SpringBoard 1.25
Natural Phenomena Stories exist in all cultures which explain natural phenomena Look over the graphic organizer on page 76. Using logic, explain how people in the distant past MIGHT HAVE explained the origins and causes of these natural phenomena. Share responses with your table. Why is storytelling an important aspect of a culture or society?
A Raven Visualize a raven. As a table, describe what many people’s impressions and feelings are about the raven. Historically: Raven is often a major deity (idol) particularly for those groups native to the Northwest. Raven is often considered the creator of the earth and is sometimes called “Grandfather Raven.” In some stories, though, Raven is a trickster, who cannot be trusted.
Annotate and Organize As you read “Raven and the Sources of Light,” follow the actions of Raven throughout the story. Highlight the Raven’s actions as he changes his appearance. Highlight the Raven’s motivations for his actions at the end of the story. After reading, track the significant actions of Raven in each of his transformations on the chart on page 77. Then, visualize the text by illustrating the actions for each section.
Themes In your spiral, brainstorm at least two themes for this creation story. As a table group, share your themes—if you hear a theme you DON’T have on your list, ADD IT. Think about the similarities and differences between and among the myths you have read. In your spiral, document what similarities and differences you notice. How are the THEMES the same and/or different?
Attitudes and Explanations In your spiral answer the following two questions: How can we compare Raven’s attitude toward the chief with the attitudes toward the gods represented in the Greek and Roman myths you have read? How do you think the people who told this story of Raven might explain some of the elements on the chart on page 77?