S1 Assessment Revision Ultimate Questions
1.What are ultimate questions? Ultimate questions are questions which are very difficult or impossible to answer.
2.Give an example of an ultimate question What is the meaning of life? Is there a God? How was the world created? Who made God? What happens when we die? How should i live my life?
3.What is a myth? Myth: A story which may or may not be true. A story which tries to explain something which is difficult to understand. Sometimes the meaning of the myth is more important than the facts.
4.Why might myths help people to answer ultimate questions? They can sometimes help us make sense of something we don’t understand.
Creation myth -A story which tries to explain how the world was created. 5. Write a summary of the Genesis (Christian) Creation story. Remember it is sometimes called the Judeo-Christian Creation story also.
Summary of Genesis Creation Day One God created day and night Day Three God created the land and created plants and trees. Day Four God created the sun, moon and stars Day Five God created the birds and fish Day Six God created the animals and Adam and Eve Day Seven God rested God made the world and all the creatures in six days. He made Adam and Eve last and on the seventh day he rested.
Genesis Creation Complete the following sentences. 6.Some Christians think that the Genesis story is literally true. This means they think that… 7.Other Christians think that the Genesis story is symbolic. This means that they think…….
6. Write a summary of the scientific Creation story. The universe started 13.7 billion years ago with an event called ‘The Big Bang’. It started with a time where the universe was infinitely dense and hot. The universe then started to expand rapidly. Over time, the first atoms form, then stars, then planets and galaxies, and finally, life. Scientists think that living things developed through a process called evolution.
8.Describe one other creation story
Looking after the Environment 9.Write down three ways in which humans have harmed the world they live in 10. Write down three ways we could improve the way we treat the world
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