Training course in operational Climatology India Meteorological Department (IMD) has a wealth of climate data and information. This existing wealth needs to be translated into customized tools, products and information ‘climate services’. For rendering efficient climate service to different societal sectors, climate service must be equipped with (1) knowledge about the gap between the existing climate information products available with IMD and the requirement by different societal sectors. (2) To develop capacity & Strengthen in the field of operational climate services in order to bridge the gap (3) Preparation of suitable Training course in operational climatology including addressing requirements of Global Framework of Climate services (GFCS) as per WMO requirements. (4) To enhance awareness of IMD climate products and how to interpret and use them. (5) To facilitate access to climate information on various timescales – monthly, seasonal and long term prediction
Learning Outcomes After completing the training, participants will be able to Generate climate products Interpret & analyze the IMD climate product To provide useful long term prediction to end users To learn Meteorological terminology for better understanding of IMD climate product (Various Stakeholders) To understand specific requirements as an outcome from Brainstorming session. Specific performance improvements desired are a) Write & formulate interpretation of IMD climate products for different stakeholders b) To explain basic climatology for giving best solution. c) To interpret outlook products for seasonal Forecast for extreme events ( heat waves, dry; spells, heavy rainfall events) , climate data & longer time series of observations. To enhance knowledge of different types & formats of basic data available with IMD. Data analysis for better decision support system. Able to formulate decision support systems for climate services.
Learning solutions, learning activities, learning assessment plan classroom training: About 25 participants (mostly IMD) will be attending this training. They will be trained by in house expertise (IMD and MoES sister organizations). on-the-job training: Two weeks OJT will be imparted to the participants. online resources for self-directed learning: List of all online resources available on websites will be shared with the participants. coaching or mentoring: Project work have to be taken up by the participant and he will be coached by guide. Role of Trainers and learners is to be defined. Lectures Readings cases (case studies) discussions exercises assignments One Test (MCQ) to be conducted after 15 days of the course and another one Test (MCQ) after next 15 days. exercises to be given daily and to be submitted and graded and projects or products to be evaluated.
Significant challenges To create KSA for learning in IMD personnel The need for capacity building in operational Meteorology/Climatology for IMD personnel and also for stake holders in terms of familiarization of terminology for usage of climate products is to be addressed. To train IMD personnel in software tools for Meteorology to be at par with latest state of arts in Meteorology To meet expectations of Different stake holders from societal sectors viz. Agriculture, health, energy, water, disaster and risk
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