Ms. Stout’s 4th grade Weekly Homework September 11th-15th, 2017 Grandparent’s Day is this Friday, September, 15th! Due to Grandparent’s Day, we will have two of our weekly tests on Thursday. Please carefully study for the Math Module test on Thursday. We will review Tuesday and Wednesday in class as well. Tests this week: Sprint test and daily work quiz (Friday) Social Studies Regions Quiz (Thursday) Reading Comprehension quiz (Thursday) Math Module 1 Test 2 (Thursday) Monday ELA: Complete and read Handout 12B, read an ARP book for 20 minutes Math: Sprint #6, Complete Lesson 18 Problem set Social Studies: Study Regions graphic organizer Science: Study definitions Tuesday ELA: Complete and read Handout 12B, read an ARP book for 20 minutes Math: Sprint #6, Complete review pages Social Studies: Study Regions graphic organizer Science: Study definitions Wednesday ELA: Complete and read Handout 12B, read an ARP book for 20 minutes Math: Sprint #6, Complete review pages and study practice test Social Studies: Study Regions graphic organizer Science: Study definitions Thursday ELA: Complete and read Handout 12B, read an ARP book for 20 minutes Math: Sprint #6 Social Studies: Study Regions graphic organizer Science: Study definitions **ARP grading scale: 20-17=A, 16-13=B, 12-9=C, 8-5=D <5=F