CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSING SUPPORT As Creative Commons licenses are the official recommended license for open data in the Finnish governmental sector, awareness and instructions for using them in practice are needed in many sectors of society, including public open bids, content creation subcontracting, and data purchasing. OUTCOME Guidelines and example contract clauses for data and content acquisition. PARTNERS Aalto University, official local affiliate of Creative Commons Inc. FUNDED BY The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture CONTACT Tarmo Toikkanen, MORE INFO,
THE PROJECT - FRAMEWORK A project commissioned by the Open Science and Research Initiative of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture The aim: to propose a scorecard for evaluating openness in academic publishing Timeline: project starting in Oct 2017, final report published at early Dec, 2017
QUESTIONS Which key factors should be included in the evaluation? How should, and could, these key factors be defined and benchmarked?
SOCIAL MEDIA: FEEDBACK TO KEY FACTORS Publishing only OA vs. fraction of OA journals Licensing of the publications (suggested to be the main factor) Pre-and postprint policies Price tag on openness Text & metadata mining Openness of the review process Whether OA requires copyright waivers Openness related to processes and business
KEY FACTORS EVALUATED Percentage of open access journals of the total publication output Costs of open access publishing (full OA journal & hybrid OA pricing) Use of Creative Commons licensing Restrictiveness and transparency of self-archiving policies Data mining rights and available tools
KEY FACTORS EVALUATED, cont’d Availability of open citation data Accessibility of information relating to open access practices Activities to promote open science; for instance guidelines on methods and data availability; and other activities
SOURCES Mainly publishers’ websites – the accessibility of information one of the key features! Exceptions: Scopus, DOAJ and Sherpa/Romeo (limited use) The publishers are also given the opportunity to comment on our findings – so far only few responses
Publisher’s own licenses only CC-licenses + publisher’s own licenses Factor 1 2 3 Number of OA journals 0% <50% 50-99% 100% Costs >2000e 1000e-2000e 500-1000e <500€ Licensing Publisher’s own licenses only CC-licenses + publisher’s own licenses CC-licenses only (incl. more restrictive CC) CC BY Self-archiving No support or lack of policies offer self-archiving Post-print self-archiving allowed with embargo for most of publishers journals Pre- and post-print self-archiving allowed in all publishers journals within 6 month STM to 12 month HSS embargos Pre- and post-print self-archiving allowed in all publishers journals without embargos Data mining No metadata available for download Data available to be used on publisher’s server Substantial data available for download Metadata, abstracts, full texts contents available for download and automated data mining with any software Open Citation Not promoting open citation Promoting open citation Accessibility to information Data completely missing Data partly missing Data unclearly presented Data in one location and easily available Activities to promote OS No OA options Discounts or partial journal offsetting Substantial support for and transition towards full OA Full offsetting, all affiliated authors can publish OA in all publisher journals at no extra per-article cost
VERY INDICATIVE RESULTS - DIALOGUE IN PROGRESS Publisher Numbero of OA- Journals and OA docs (Scopus%) Costs Licenses Self-archiving Data mining ACM 0 / 0 $700-$1700 CC Pre-and post print ? ACS $750-$4000 CC + ACS Yes Elsevier 8 / 3 $500-$5000 CC + Elsevier IEEE 3 / 4 $1350-$1950 CC BY (3.0) LWW 25 / 23 $600-$4700 Pre print; post print (embargo 12 months) Sage 3 / 6 $3000 Pre- and post print SpringerNature 17 / 23 $585-$3975 Pre- and post print (embargo 6 months) Taylor & Francis 5 / 6 $2,950 Wiley-Blackwell 3 /4 CC + Wiley-Blackwell Pre-print; post print (embargo 12-24)
Future steps? photo by Dino Reichmuth