Five Star Chapter Development Program and Pinnacle Award Paul Saltz Central District Representative Alpha Rho Epsilon Chapter
What IS the Five Star Program? It is: A chapter business plan. A plan of action. A way for your chapter to get organized. A plan for setting your chapter’s annual goals. A record of what you have accomplished.
Translating the Mission into Action! “The Purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage Scholarship among two-year college students.” One Star Recognizes Academic Excellence and Chapter Foundations.
“To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of Leadership and Service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively Fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.”
Two Star Recognizes Organized Chapter Leadership and Getting Started With Honors In Action Three Star Recognizes Development of an Honors In Action Project and College Project Four Star Recognizes Increased Presence on Campus and in the Region Five Star Recognizes Further Involvement in the Region and in International Activities or Events
What is required? One Star Level
One Star Level Requirements: Chapter officers and advisor(s) review the Five Star Chapter Development Program requirements and determine a goal to reach within the year. The goal should be submitted on the Chapter Update Form on Phi Theta Kappa’s website at 2. Advisor and chapter president each have a Chapter Resource Packet, including the Chapter Resource Manual, the Program Guide on the Honors Study Topic, Recognitions Brochure, etc. (Resource Packets are available through the Membership Services Department). 3. Chapter bylaws have been approved and are on file at Headquarters. Bylaws do not need to be revise or resubmitted each year, but they should be reviewed. Check the online Chapter Directory to determine when your bylaws were approved by Headquarters. Sample chapter bylaws are available online. 4. Submit new officer names, addresses, and emails by completing a Chapter Officer Reporting Form through PAM.
One Star Continued… 5. Your chapter provides a structured orientation for any new officers, advisors, and committee chairs at the beginning of each semester or quarter. Review chapter calendar and budget as part of the orientation. 6. Your college president or the president's representative sends an invitation letter to eligible students encouraging them to join. Things to include: Invitation to a new member orientation. A Phi Theta Kappa Member Benefits Brochure, available free of charge from the Recognition Services Department, Information about the induction ceremony. *This can also be done for you through Headquarters*
One Star Continued… 7. Chapter employs strategies to gain positive visibility and greater public awareness on your campus by: Promoting the importance of membership to faculty by providing a list of eligible students along with a letter from the chapter informing them of the benefits of membership and a list of current chapter activities. OR Displaying a Member Benefits Brochure or Phi Theta Kappa posters on one or more campus bulletin boards, OR Sending a news release announcing new inductees to a community or campus newspaper. (Phi Theta Kappa promotional ads are available online.)
One Star Continued… 8. Chapter conducts an orientation for prospective members prior to induction. (A member recruitment video and PowerPoint Presentation are available on the Chapter Resources DVD sent to all chapter advisors, or visit 9. Your chapter promotes membership acceptance by employing one of the following strategies: -- Have Headquarters mail out initial invitations to perspective new members. OR -- Sending a reminder email to eligible students who have not accepted membership, OR -- Utilizing the online membership acceptance feature in PAM, OR -- Providing more than one opportunity for prospective members to attend an orientation during each recruitment campaign.
One Star Continued… 10. Chapter conducts at least one induction ceremony. For guidelines, see the Chapter Resource Manual online. 11. Chapter meets at least once a month during the academic year. During chapter meetings, advisors and members discuss chapter business and items of interest from Phi Theta Kappa's electronic communications, website, and publications. 12. Advisor submits the final Chapter Annual Report to Headquarters. It is available under Chapter Management at PAM and is due by December 31st at NOON! 13. Chapter Advisors, President, and officers are advised to make updates throughout the year. An email alert will be sent to the Advisors and Officers every time an update is made. Officers use the same log in as they use for the 5 Star Competitive Edge System.
Two Star Level
Two Star Level Requirements: 1. Chapter meets at least twice a month during the academic year. Your chapter can have: A) one chapter officer meeting and one general chapter meeting OR B) two general chapter meetings. 2. Chapter holds at least two annual membership campaigns 3. Your chapter investigates an issue out of the Honors Program Guide.
Two Star Continued… 4. Advisor and chapter officers meet with the college president (or another appropriate administrator) to discuss chapter goals. 5. Hold an orientation session for Chapter Leaders.
Three Star Level
Three Star Level Requirements 1. Chapter implements an Honors In Action Project, involving more than one member. The Honors In Action Project application is submitted to Headquarters online. 2. Chapter publishes a newsletter OR maintains a chapter website. 3. Chapter implements a College Project, determined by the chapter and college president. Your chapter must submit the College Project application to Headquarters online. 4. Chapter chronicles activities for historical purposes.
The Honors In Action Project Read the Honors Study Guide and as a chapter, pick one of its ten issues to focus on. Choose one or more of the issue’s study questions to guide your research. Research the issue with at least eight to ten academic resources. Develop conclusions from the research and decide what the chapter can do to make an impact regarding the conclusions. Develop a project plan. Carry out the plan and evaluate the results and future possibilities. Keep track of both qualitative and quantitative data during project execution. Write the Hallmark Awards Report and submit online!
The College Project Honors Satellite Seminar Series Community College Completion Corps College Ambassadors. Assist with registration or graduation. Voice your Vote. Campus cleanup. Tutoring. Innovative ideas for your college. Complete and submit the College Project Report online!
Four Star Level
Four Star Requirements: At least one chapter representative attends at least one official regional meeting during the calendar year. Your chapter assumes a leadership role in your region by: A) campaigning for a regional office OR B) hosting or assuming a leadership role at a regional meeting OR C) hosting a fellowship event that includes representatives of at least two other chapters and includes a service, scholarship, or leadership component. 3. Your chapter shares its Honors In Action Project with the Campus and greater community.
Four Star Continued… 4. Your chapter enters at least one chapter Hallmark Awards (Honors In Action or College Project) and submits a copy for the 2012 regional awards competition.
Five Star Level
Five Star Requirements 1. Your chapter enters both Chapter Hallmark categories (Honors In Action AND College Project). 2. Your chapter enters at least one Individual Hallmark category 3. Chapter participates at the International level by fulfilling at least ONE of the following: Attend Annual Convention Attend Honors Institute Present the Honors Seminar Series ALL Chapter Officers participate in, Competitive Edge, AND the Chapter submits an Honors Case Study Challenge.
Seven Easy Steps To Five Star Participation 1. Have your chapter read the Five Star Program Guide. 2. Review the requirements for each star level. 3. Determine a realistic goal for your chapter to reach within the year. 4. Plan activities that are meaningful for your chapter. 5. Schedule those activities in your chapter calendar. 6. Delegate responsibility for implementation of the planned activities. 7. Reassess progress at chapter meetings.
Five Star Chapter Development Program Recognition Your chapter will be recognized for whatever level they attain, regardless of the goal they set! Local A letter will be mailed to your college president citing the significance of the chapter's level of achievement in the Five Star Chapter Development Program. Regional Your Regional Coordinator or a Headquarters representative will present the Five Star Award certificate to your chapter during your region's annual awards presentation. International Names of participating chapters and their levels of achievement will be featured in the Regions Directory on Phi Theta Kappa's website. Participating chapters will also be recognized at the International Convention.
Remember… Start NOW! It’s not too late! The final reporting deadline is firm—final update is due no later than December 31, 2011. Five Star runs on a calendar year, along with hallmarks. The program is all online for your convenience. Updates may be submitted by the advisor or the chapter officers. Double-dipping takes half the time! Attaining Five Star status prepares you well for the Hallmark Awards competition. Administrators love to brag about their Five Star chapters!
Pinnacle Award The Pinnacle Award recognizes Phi Theta Kappa chapters and regions for successfully increasing their recruitment, as measured by the number of new members reported to Headquarters in a given year.
Chapters will earn up to five scholarships of $45 each, based on increasing membership over the previous year in 5 percent increments. Regions that attain Pinnacle status will receive a $500 stipend. Scholarships will be credited to the chapter's account as soon as each level of membership increase - 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% - is recorded at Headquarters. The chapter advisor and the chapter president will be notified by email when scholarships are earned and awarded.
Start Reaching for the STARS and Pinnacle. Visit www. ptk Start Reaching for the STARS and Pinnacle! Visit TODAY! Questions?