House Bill 22 accountability system data revisions Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. House Bill 22 accountability system data revisions August 2017 Presented by: Bryce Templeton
CONTENTS House Bill 22 Introduction Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators – Repealed Domain 5 Indicators – Repealed Domain 4 Indicators – Repealed HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain VI. Q & A
House Bill 22 Introduction House Bill 22 significantly alters the content of the CASE data collections, and the computations for the “domains” accountability ratings that are scheduled to begin in the 2017-2018 school year. The five Domains of HB 2804 are consolidated into three Domains in HB 22 as follows: Student Achievement Domain School Progress Domain Closing the Gap Domain
House Bill 22 Introduction Additional new data reporting requirements related to the “domains” accountability ratings will be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year and will be presented through the 2017- 2018 TEA data governance cycles that start in September 2017.
CONTENTS House Bill 22 Introduction Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators - Repealed Domain 5 Indicators – Repealed Domain 4 Indicators - Repealed HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain VI. Q & A
Community and Student Engagement CASE Indicators - Repealed Community and Student Engagement The Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators as authorized under HB 5 (2013) are repealed for the 2017- 2018 school year. Therefore, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will not implement a TSDS collection of the CASE indicators for the 2017-2018 school year.
CASE Indicators - Repealed Community and Student Engagement The following elements / code table are repealed for the 2017-2018 school year: E1531 – FINE–ARTS–CATEGORY–CODE E1532 – WELLNESS–AND–PHYSICAL–ED – CATEGORY– CODE E1533 – COMMUNITY–AND–PARENTAL– INVOLVEMENT– CATEGORY–CODE E1534 – 21ST–CENTURY–WORKFORCE–DEVEL- PGM– CATEGORY–CODE E1535 – SECOND–LANG–ACQUISITION–PGM– CATEGORY–CODE
CONTENTS House Bill 22 Introduction Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators – Repealed Domain 5 Indicators - Repealed Domain 4 Indicators - Repealed HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain VI. Q & A
Domain 5 Indicators - Repealed The Domain 5 accountability indicators related to the CASE indicators, as authorized and required by HB 2804, are repealed, effective with the 2017- 2018 school year. The following elements / code table are repealed for the 2017-2018 school year: E1575 – FIRST–CASE-CHOICE–INDICATOR–CODE E1576 – SECOND–CASE-CHOICE-INDICATOR–CODE E1577 – THIRD–CASE-CHOICE–INDICATOR–CODE E1578 – CASE–RATINGS–CRITERIA–LINK C205 – CASE–CHOICE–CODE Code Table
CONTENTS House Bill 22 Introduction Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators – Repealed Domain 5 Indicators – Repealed Domain 4 Indicators - Repealed HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain VI. Q & A
Domain 4 Indicators - Repealed The original Domain 4 accountability indicators collected through the TSDS are either repealed or moved to the new Student Achievement Domain. The following elements / code table are repealed for the 2017-2018 school year: E1574 – FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION- INDICATOR-CODE E1584 – AP-IB-PERFORMANCE-ACKNOWLEDGMENT E1585 – BILINGUALISM-BILITERACY- PERFORMANCE- ACKNOWLEDGMENT E1587 – COLLEGE-READINESS-ASSESSMENTS PERFORMANCE-ACKNOWLEDGMENT E1588 – DUAL-CREDIT-PERFORMANCE- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
CONTENTS House Bill 22 Introduction Community and Student Engagement (CASE) Indicators - Repealed Domain 5 Indicators – Repealed Domain 4 Indicators - Repealed HB 22 - Student Achievement Domain VI. Q & A
HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain The following elements are added for the 2017-2018 school year and are now part of the Student Achievement Domain: E1589 – MILITARY–ENLISTMENT– INDICATOR–CODE E1586 – FIRST–POST–SECONDARY– CERTIFICATION– LICENSURE E1592 – SECOND– POST–SECONDARY– CERTIFICATION –LICENSURE E1593 – THIRD– POST–SECONDARY– CERTIFICATION– LICENSURE
Military Enlistment E1589 - MILITARY–ENLISTMENT–INDICATOR– CODE Definition: Indicates that a student who has graduated from high school has enlisted in the United States Armed Forces after graduation. (Per TEC 39.053(c)(4)(a)(ix)) Reported in Submission 1 Only The MILITARY–ENLISTMENT–INDICATOR–CODE is applicable to all graduates regardless of graduation plan. Reported for all leavers This is a mandatory field for a student leaver (Validation Rule: 40203-000B)
Postsecondary Certification E1586 - FIRST-POST-SECONDARY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE Indicates the first nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate Reported in Submission 1 Mandatory field on the StudentGraduationProgramExtension (Validation Rule: 48011-000B)
Postsecondary Certification E1592 - SECOND-POST-SECONDARY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE Indicates the second nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate (Not Mandatory) Reported in Submission 1
Postsecondary Certification E1593 - THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION- LICENSURE Indicates the third nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate (Not Mandatory) Reported in Submission 1
HB 22 – Student Achievement Domain The Student Achievement Domain contains two new data reporting requirements that must be implemented for the 2017-2018 school year: Students who are awarded an associate’s degree (Fall and Summer Submissions) Students who successfully complete an OnRamps dual enrollment course (Summer and Extended-Year Submissions)
Associate’s Degree ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR- CODE Definition: Indicates that the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school. An associate degree is defined as an award that normally requires at least two but less than four years of full-time equivalent college work in a grouping of courses designed to lead the individual directly to employment in a specific career or to transfer to an upper-level baccalaureate program. This specifically refers to the associate of arts, associate of science, associate of applied arts, associate of applied science, associate of arts in teaching and associate of occupational studies degrees. The term “applied” in an associate degree name indicates a program in which the content is primarily technical. (Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Glossary of Terms)
Associate’s Degree ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE Element Number: E1596 Data Element: ASSOCIATE–DEGREE–INDICATOR– CODE XML Name: TX-AssociateDegreeIndicator Complex Type: StudentExtension Code Table: C088 Length: 1 Data Type: Coded Pattern: # Submission(s): 1 (Fall) and 3 (Summer) Mandatory: No Can be Blank: Yes
Associate’s Degree Business Validations for E1596 – ASSOCIATE- DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE 40100-new1 If ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE is “1” then the student must be in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE “11” or “12”.
Dual Enrollment ONRAMPS–DUAL–ENROLLMENT–INDICATOR-CODE Definition: indicates that the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course. OnRamps is an innovative dual enrollment program coordinated by the University of Texas at Austin. Element Number: E1597 Data Element: ONRAMPS–DUAL–ENROLLMENT–INDICATOR-CODE XML Name: TX-OnRampsDualEnrollmentIndicator Complex Type: CourseTranscriptExtension Code Table: C088 Length: 1 Data Type: Coded Pattern: # Submission(s): 3 (Summer) 4 (Extended Year) Mandatory: No Can be Blank: Yes
Dual Enrollment Business Validations for E1597 - ONRAMPS– DUAL–ENROLLMENT–INDICATOR-CODE 43415-0037 – If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is “0” and ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT-INDICATOR-CODE is “0”, then COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS MUST BE “0”. (Fatal) 43415-0050 – If SERVICE-ID is not a high school course, then DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be “0”, ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be “0”, and COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS must be “0”. (Fatal)
Dual Enrollment Business Validations for E1597 - ONRAMPS– DUAL–ENROLLMENT–INDICATOR-CODE (cont’d) 43415-0051 – For a Course Transcript, if DUAL-CREDIT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1” or ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1” then SERVICE-ID must be a high school course (Eligible For High School Credit = Y in code table C022). (Fatal) 43415-0052 – For a Course Transcript, if DUAL-CREDIT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1” or ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then there should be Attendance and/or Flexible Attendance for that student where GRADE- LEVEL-CODE is “09”-”12”. (Special Warning)
Dual Enrollment Business Validations for E1597 - ONRAMPS– DUAL–ENROLLMENT–INDICATOR-CODE (cont’d) 43415-new1 – If ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “09”-”12”. (Fatal) 43415-new2 – If ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT- INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR- CODE should also be “1”. (Warning)
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