This project is co-funded by the European Union I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ Kick off meeting - 10 March 2015 Venue: ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Largo dei Lombardi, 4 00186 Rome, Italy This project is co-funded by the European Union
WP1 Promoting excellence in education and skills development (human capital) Objectives Assessment of indirect and direct effects of policies that promote the training of R&D personnel and that aim to create attractive working conditions for such personnel Analysis of the effects of the multidimensional university ranking system as well as the effects of new knowledge alliances promoting university-business relationships specifically targeting innovation skill gaps and cross-disciplinary training Evaluation of the effects of frameworks for e-skills for innovation and competitiveness in Europe Underlying issues: strategies for researchers training and employment conditions, personalised university ranking, knowledge alliances and skills for innovation, e-skills
WP1 Human Capital: Task description Rationale: the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in innovation, i.e. HEIs as workplace, location for training, and partner for industry Tasks Literature review on education and skills development Implementation assessment (description of implementation of policy actions and their stage of development in different countries and sectors) Impact analysis Systems analysis (wider indirect effect on the innovation eco-system)
Deliverables Literature review and data collection (TIK, M10) Stage of implementation and direct impact assessment (TIK, M22) Integration in the eco-system (TIK, M30) Not crystal clear what the two last ones imply and how they will be done
Relation with other workpackages Our data will feed into the econometric model and systems analysis Will need to discuss the many decisions to be made in the WP in the wider consortium and get input here Thematic overlap with WP2 (science policy, ERA) and WP7 (collaboration, attracting international talent), where TIK is also involved
Resources UM-MERIT 1.5 work months SEURECO 2 WM TIK 18 WM May need to discuss further overlap and synergies so that this is not a “solo work package” – Other partners interested to join here?
Immediate actions Hiring a new person (associate professor) that will partly work in I3U (committee report will be ready in mid-April) Work on the literature review and on creating a list of relevant variables and databases for circulation right after the summer
Open points for discussion How do we select the most relevant data for the large and heterogeneous topics of WP1? This WP will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative empirical data: how exactly will these be used in the modelling part of the project? Aren’t we missing some important aspects of the public R&D system when we focus only on the HEIs?
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