www.isthelibraryopen Session 140440 http://goo.gl/rX4yVV The library closes every day at 4:00? It won’t if the library website provides engaging links to needed resources and services for all stakeholders. Learn website essentials for staying open 24/7 and see examples of sites using templates. This session focuses not on how to build a website, but what to include. Session 140440 http://goo.gl/rX4yVV
Sharon Gullett, Librarian-on-Loan & Presenters Marsha Edney, Marshall ISD High School Library edneyml@marshallisd.com Sharon Gullett, Librarian-on-Loan & Texas A&M University-Commerce Adjunct Faculty sharon.gullett@gmail.com Link to Session Materials: http://librarians2014.wikispaces.com/isthelibraryopen or http://goo.gl/rX4yVV
Screenshot of wiki
Types of Formats District designed html District adopted template LibGuides Weebly/Wix Blogs Wiki Pros and Cons (Quick)
Disclaimers Can’t address firewalls, access limited with a password. Can’t address various templates or formats selected by your district Can’t address district library webpages No Texas sites No live websites today.
Mentally throw out the barriers to your website Mentally throw out the barriers to your website. Don’t think about yours. Think what you would recommend that someone else would do!
In the beginning, we had teachers and students and books http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalnc/8264906078
We had a librarian responsible for the books and students during the time they were in the library. http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalnc/8192010298
Library tools of the past http://www.flickr.com/photos/26598976@N02/4394391440
But what happened when the school closed But what happened when the school closed? Why do we have to close the library ever? No more doing research in the middle of the night unless you had a set of encyclopedias at home http://www.flickr.com/photos/titoperez/3437322060
Published in January 1998 in the Reading Eagle But no later than 1998, there was conversation about opening the library 24/7. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1955&dat=19980118&id=UYs0AAAAIBAJ&sjid=76YFAAAAIBAJ&pg=2411,741559 or http://goo.gl/DsPD7f Published in January 1998 in the Reading Eagle
We can make excuses, and Image Source: http://13c4.wordpress.com/2007/02/24/50-reasons-not-to-change/
Bibliothèque (Library) Louis Nucéra in Nice France We can hide our eyes and ignore the needs of our students Bibliothèque (Library) Louis Nucéra in Nice France
We know the library can be open 24/7 and can be created to entice students and teachers because of the quality of information to be found and the ease of use. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mag3737/2574913454
We never know when or where our users will be We never know when or where our users will be. So we have to figure out a way to serve these online students who are not always at school.
Our students can continue learning outside the 4 walls of the library
So the question is…. Is the Library Open. The answer should be… So the question is…..Is the Library Open. The answer should be….it’s open access to all the electronic resources including eBooks http://isthelibraryopen.com
What do your students expect to see. What do they need to see What do your students expect to see? What do they need to see? Conversation…..
This is more than likely what they will see. Which leads them to
Or this
Or maybe this
Or maybe this without anything else Or maybe this without anything else. What would this library webpage and the others ones before say about the library program? http://jimhill.jpsms.org/library