Generosity Sunday at St. Paul
Church-wide and Synod Ministries ELCA Disaster Response Lutheran World Relief Jenny Lind Chapel Lutheran Social Services of Illinois Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Center Mosaic Northern Illinois Synod Assembly In-kind Offering: Gift Cards for LSSI Tanzania Nursing Project Thanksgiving Lutheran Church, Santa Rosa, CA Fill the Well Buck-a-Chick
Local Area Ministries FCA Black Hawk Area Special Education Center Children’s Advocacy Center – Braveheart King’s Harvest Ministries Christian Care Orion Area Children’s Christmas Gifts School Breakfast Food Donations for all 3 Orion Schools God’s Work, Our Hands Work done at Village and Parks, Schools, and Church
Orion area Food Pantry Serve’s an average of 25 families/month Includes an average of 28 children in these families Serve’s an average of 75 individual children and adults/month Holiday Meals: Easter – 21 families Thanksgiving – 30 families
OAFP Backpack Blessings Program Pack bags for 29 children each week during the school year every Friday or at other times if school week ends early due to holidays, teacher institutes, etc. This program is in its 5th year and we serve children at all three schools through this program.
New Ministries coming soon! Winter Coats & Accessories Free Distribution to those who come by church ELCA Good Gifts Program