Adapted from: Shakespeare's The Tempest by Sheri Metzger A Feminist Reading Adapted from: Shakespeare's The Tempest by Sheri Metzger
Feminism was a pivotal movement in England in the 1600s As a result, men tried to suppress womens' attempt at equality - this is rooted in patriarchy Patriarchy: A system of society/government where men hold the power and woman are excluded by it Men were taught to suppress women in a variety of ways: “How to” manuals were distributed Church sermons - Anglican and Catholic - said that gender inequality was ordained by God
Sermons, interpreted by men, went like this: Women are inferior to men because the Bible “says so” Eve, of Adam and Eve fame, was used as the scape-goat for suppressing women She represented the fall of man ( read “men") and justified the need to control women This control was especially important because women served as political currency Women were seen as “mothers of the nation” - the brides of kings and mothers of future kings Controlling their behaviour and sexuality was of utmost importance - e.g. Prospero controlling Miranda’s virginity; Alonso marrying off Claribel
Miranda: The only female form on the island with men - her primary purpose is to be Ferdinand’s wife Marrying him is advantageous but for whom? Redemption for Prospero Forgiveness for Alonso Her virginity rights all wrongs Her value lies in her virginity When she and Ferdinand meet his first question is directed towards her virginity. He asks, “if you be maid or no?” (1.2.427). In other words: do you have value or not? - he can only marry a virgin Her worth is in her virginity and this makes virginity a political matter
Miranda must be pure - he needs assurance that his offspring is HIS - her virginity means that his paternity will not be questioned Miranda and Claribel are commodities Commodity: An item that can be bought or sold Miranda’s value as barter is her virginity - virtue is a characteristic of nobility and Prospero informs her of this when he speaks of their past Speaking of her mother he says, “she was a piece of virtue…” (1.2.56-59). This is generational Paradoxically - Prospero uses Miranda’s virginity as bait with Ferdinand but then he warns him not to touch the bait… until the time suits Prospero
Claribel’s marriage is also political - she did not want to marry the king of Tunis but her obedience to her father is paramount thus reiterating the fact that she is a commodity used for political gain Shakespeare often used the stage as a microcosm to explore the larger macrocosm of the universe