Exam Skills
How You Will Be Assessed Ao1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas. Use of key words and understanding of those key words. A02: A03: Analysis and evaluation Makes judgements and draws conclusions
A01, A02 or A03 Evaluate Watson and Rayner’s (1920) experiment. (8 marks) A child has a pet white rat. Every time he goes to pick it up his father bangs a metal pole with a hammer to make a loud noise. Now the child cries whenever he sees a rat. (4) Using the principles of Classical Conditioning, explain how the child has developed a fear of a rat. Describe the procedure for Pavlov’s (1927) experiment. (4) Explain one weakness of Watson and Rayner (1920). (2)
Command Words Describe: To give an account of something. Explain: An explanation that requires a justification/exemplification of a point. The answer must contain some element of reasoning/justification. Discuss: Explore the issue/situation/problem/argument that is being presented within the question, articulating different or contrasting viewpoints.
Command Words Evaluate: Review information then bring it together to form a conclusion, drawing on evidence, including strengths, weaknesses, alternative actions, relevant data or information. Come to a support judgement. Assess: Give careful consideration to all the factors or events that apply and identify which are the most important or relevant. Make a judgement on the importance of something and come to a conclusion when needed. To What Extent: Review information then bring it together to form a judgement/conclusion, following the provision of a balanced and reasoned argument.
Evaluate Watson and Rayner’s (1920) experiment. (8 marks) One strength of Watson and Rayner’s study is that it has high in internal validity. For example, Watson and Rayner used a standardised procedure such as using the same props (rat, steal bar) every time they tested to see if Little Albert was conditioned to have a fear of the white rat. This eliminated the possibility of extraneous variables such as the appearance of the object from affecting the results. Therefore, the strength of the study having high internal validity is that Watson and Rayner can say they their results are accurate because they removed extraneous variables, which allows cause and effect conclusions to be draw. For example, since they used the same objects each time to test for classical conditioning they can rule out extraneous variables and therefore determine that learning through associations can cause phobias. However, Little Albert was unique because he was said to be emotionless. This could lower the internal validity of the study because Little Albert’s individual difference of personality could have caused the phobia rather than the classical conditioning of the rat.
Let’s Have a Look One strength of Watson and Rayner’s study is that it is high in internal validity. For example, Watson and Rayner used a standardised procedure to carry out their experiment. This is a strength because Watson and Rayner were able to determine a cause and effect relationship. One strength of Watson and Rayner’s study is that it has high ecological validity. For example, Watson and Rayner used a standardised procedure . Therefore, the strength of the study having high internal validity is that Watson and Rayner can say they their results are accurate because they removed extraneous variables, which allows cause and effect conclusions to be draw. However, Little Albert was unique because he was said to be emotionless. This could lower the internal validity of the study because Little Albert’s individual difference of personality could have caused the phobia rather than the classical conditioning of the rat.
Explain one weakness of Watson and Rayner (1920). (2)
Describe the procedure for Pavlov’s (1927) experiment. (4)