A Study on the Application of Reflected Thermal Insulation Materials for Building Shell Yeou-Fong Li1 and Yu-Hsuan Chang2 1Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering , NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan . 2Master of the Department of Civil Engineering, NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. Introduction: In this study, inorganic and organic material in white and black, the mineral material with reflection and insulation were used as metal and concrete specimen. The main thermal of solar radiation comprises VL (44%) and NIR (53%), using the lights of two different wavelengths to test and measure the heat flux and temperature, analyzing the refection and insulation effect of each specimen. The durability and adhesion test of inorganic and organic material outdoor material. Finally, a shipping container house for an example, calculate the electric consumption and charge of the coating and uncoated shipping container house. Prove the effectiveness of energy saving and carbon reduction. Keywords: Reflective material, Insulation material, Reflection, Heat flux NIR Reflection and Insulation Experiment of Black Color Concrete Specimens Metal Specimens Matrix Specimens Radiation Reflection (W/m2) Top Heat Flux (W/m2) Bot Temperature (℃) Concrete CON 178 420.7 64.59 60.77 38.94 c-A-B 368.3 58.70 54.61 35.67 c-B-B 284.9 87.20 63.85 43.17 Metal MET 205 200.5 72.95 60.15 m-A-B 257 118.1 67.38 53.02 m-B-B 212.4 180.4 81.5 63.98 Stability Test Result UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometers Acidity A B Alkali SR of Black Coating A