Department of Geography, History and Environmental Studies University of Namibia Department of Geography, History and Environmental Studies Hilma Nghiyalwa Lecturer Geo-Information Science
University of Namibia Established in 1992 Namibian national University 12 campuses and over 19 000 students from different countries and continents
Department of Geography BA in Geography and Environmental Studies GeoInfomation BA Arts with Geography as a Minor
Geo-Information The BSc Geo-Information Science (Honors) programme was officially started in 2012 Department of Geography, History and Environmental Studies under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 25 students per year technical nature of the programme and, facility requirements
BSc Geo-Information Application centered, with streams in Geography and Biology Finding solutions to complex spatial problems and, Decision making dependent upon scientific analysis Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies. Cartography, Geostatistics Computer science Courses (Geodatabases, Web-GIS and Programming) Information technology, Project management, Photogrammetry, Planning and management science are integral part of this programme. Research in GeoInformation Internships
Research Hydrological Modelling in the Cuvelai Basin/Drainage system is collaboration with MAWF (Min of Agriculture) SASCAl Project – Hydrology and Sand Mining MSc and PhD students Fresh water quality and aquatic resources Quantifying Bush encroachment in Farms Using high resolution orthophotos Analysis of dust emissions and aerosols effects on Southern Africa climate using Hyperspectral Remote sensing (NASA collaborations) MSc Students projects (Biomass burning and Vegetation cover) PhD to look at long-term transportation of aerosols from inland to the Atlantic coast High resolution imagery to study long-term dune movements Anthrax and minerals deposition in Etosha Land cover change in Savanna woodlands in northern Namibia (time-series)
Consultancy Training of Ministries in GIS and Remote Sensing Analysis Center of Excellence for Spatial Sciences in SADC Training SADC Focal Points in Applying GIS & RS to Food Security Use of Spatial Analysis for Vulnerability Assessments (Prime Minister's Office)
MESA Thema Data Students Practical's for robust learning Research data for staff and students Biology Agriculture Wildlife Conservation Geography and GIS Collaborations and benefits: Floods thema data for flash flooding in northern and central northern Namibia Droughts for drought forecasts Wildfire ( in biomass burning and transportation of aerosols validation) Faculty of Agriculture and natural resources management for food security Agricultural campuses Wildlife and Rangeland Management SANSA for data provisions