Lifeline National Verifier Universal Service Administrative Company
What is Lifeline? Monthly discount on phone & broadband service Subscribers prove eligibility through participation in qualifying program or demonstrating income at or below 135% of federal poverty guideline Available in every state, territory, commonwealth & on Tribal lands 13 million U.S. households participate in the federal Lifeline program What it is. © 2016 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Lifeline National Verifier Background In the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order, the FCC directed USAC to develop a National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) The National Verifier will use both electronic and manual methods to: Determine initial subscriber eligibility Populate the Lifeline Eligibility Database (all subscribers deemed eligible for the Lifeline Program) Conduct annual recertifications Calculate support payments Verification is the process to determine whether a customer is eligible for Lifeline based on income or through participation in a qualifying program. © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Current Lifeline Enrollment Process Consumer contacts service provider of their choice to enroll in the program Service provider verifies eligibility If eligible, begins providing discounted service SP submits for reimbursement for service provided to USAC USAC reimburses SP Service Providers Applicant © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Future Lifeline Enrollment Process Apply directly via web, mail, etc. Applicant National Verifier: Lifeline Eligibility Database (LED) National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD) Stage gated eligibility check through Federal/State databases Apply via SP SP checks eligibility through National Verifier Must recertify each year Service Providers LED interfaces with Federal/State databases to check eligibility © 2016 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program Webinar
National Verfier Roles
Roles in the Lifeline National Verifier USAC Conduct identity and duplicate checks (NLAD) Process customer applications and verify eligibility prior to enrollment Annual recertification Provide customer support State & Federal Agencies Sign computer matching agreements (CMAs) with USAC Facilitate data transfer from state or federal database to the Lifeline Eligibility Database Service Providers Facilitate application process In stores and online Support document upload for manual eligibility checks (if needed) Customer support Comply with requirements E.g., review NLAD list of subscribers and confirm service was provided © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Building the National Verifier
Lifeline National Verifier Development As we design and develop the National Verifier, USAC is committed to: Using an iterative design process based on research and direct feedback from stakeholders Ongoing communication about our progress Reducing the burden on carriers, states, and consumers Streamlining the consumer enrollment experience © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Key Considerations Throughout the National Verifier Build & Implementation, USAC will consider: Eligibility verification processes and the databases that house these determinations vary across states and territories and the NV must reflect this complexity Carriers need information in a timely manner to prepare and implement process changes as the National Verifier is deployed Until the National Verifier is deployed nationwide, carriers operating in multiple states will employ parallel processes USAC must provide frequent updates and transparent processes The National Verifier is a big shift and USAC will remain engaged with all stakeholders to address concerns on how the changes will impact their work © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Lifeline National Verifier Quick Facts The National Verifier will replace eligibility verification performed by carriers. The National Verifier will work with both federal and state data sources for qualifying programs to conduct eligibility checks. The National Verifier seeks a “Yes/No” result to verify what it has been told about a consumer’s eligibility. USAC is interested in having a flexible process that works best for consumers and carriers. The National Verifier will be responsible for any manual eligibility reviews. © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
National Verifier Timeline
Overview of Lifeline National Verifier Launch Schedule When What Started, ongoing Gather feedback August 2017 Begin releasing tech specs August 30, 2017 Announce first states to join the NV December 2017 Soft launch March 2018 Hard launch © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program Webinar
National Verifier Feedback & Updates
Your Feedback Is Important Come find us up front, next to registration to: Review DRAFT National Verifier application screens and share your insight Talk to us about Lifeline You can stop by or sign up for a specific time to chat © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program
Lifeline National Verifier System Build Updates Visit our website to sign up for National Verifier Build Update emails, where we will share system build progress via development and schedule updates Check the Lifeline Program Newsletter and the National Verifier Blog for general news about the National Verifier © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program Webinar
Other Feedback Opportunities Stakeholder feedback is important to the National Verifier’s development. We look forward to your feedback via: Webinars: In the Lifeline Program Update Webinars, USAC will discuss NV feedback. We’re crafting the webinar schedule to suit our stakeholders and will be in touch with updates. Send us Feedback: You can submit feedback any time via email to, or as a comment on the National Verifier Blog. Webinars: We’re trying to get dates that will work for everyone Tech Forum: Specify medium Feedback: We welcome your feedback…share updates with us via… © 2017 Universal Service Administrative Co. l Lifeline Program Webinar