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Presentation transcript:


Contraception What is contraception? Methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy

Safe sex versus safer sex The term “Safe sex” is misleading. No sex is the only truly safe sex. Protected sex can be referred to as “safer sex” Things to know/do Partner’s sexual history Drug use Ask questions

The only known way to prevent any kind of sexually transmitted infections is to abstain from sexual contact. What strategies do you think would be effective in selling contraception to teenagers? Marketing Strategy?

Choices Abstinence – not having sex 100% effective in preventing STI’s and Pregnancy One in five Americans have genital herpes, yet at least 80 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it About 50 percent to 80 percent of US adults have oral herpes OR Herpes simplex Virus . (JHU)

BARRIER METHODS Barrier Methods – Physical barrier to stop sperm from coming into contact with an egg Diaphragm, Cervical Cap, Female Condom

PROTECTION Male Condoms Thin cover that fits over an erect penis, sperm is deposited into condom instead of vagina. Latex or Polyurethane Over – the – Counter Put on before penis touches female genitalia Protects against STD’s 98% Effective Storage is key! How?

PROTECTION Spermacide (2) – Chemicals that kill sperm Foams, Creams, Gel Inserted into vagina before sex Water- Based, Not Oil Oil damages latex Spermicidal Lubricant

Hormonal Methods Hormonal Method – Doses of hormones to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation Birth Control Pills – Prevents ovulation by suppressing the natural hormones that would stimulate an ovary to release an egg 99% effective when taken properly, taken daily Does not protect against STD’s and HIV/AIDS Prevents implantation of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall Using antibiotics can lower effectiveness of pill

IUD Hormonal Non-Hormonal Release progestin Inserted into uterus Thicken cervical mucus, endometrium does not grow, reduces menstrual bleeding. Non-Hormonal Copper acts as spermicide, weakening the sperm or destroying it. Can also be considered barrier method

PREVENTING PREGNANCY The Patch Injectable – Shots that contain hormones to prevent pregnancy Every 3 Months 99% effective Does not protect against STI’s The Patch Similar to nicotine patch Releases hormone that prevent ovulation Nuvaring – Vaginal ring folded & inserted high into the vagina Release hormone Replace every 3 weeks Use condom back - up

Surgical Vasectomy (Men) Tubal Ligation (Women) Cutting of Vas Deferens Prevent release of sperm during Ejaculation Permanent After 1-2 months 99.85% effective. Tubes Tied Banded, cauterized, tied and cut Permanent 5 out of 1,000 women after 1 year. 5 years following tubal ligation, about 13 out of 1,000 women will have become pregnant

Natural Methods Hope Use Effectiveness Theoretical Effectiveness The calendar rhythm method- calculating a woman's fertile period on the calendar. Calculated by last 12 menstrual periods to avoid ovulation. 5 days before ovulation Day of 1 day after Withdrawal 75%-80% 1 out of 22 couples Hope Use Effectiveness How well a BC method works in “Typical use” taking into consideration human error and other non ideal factors Theoretical Effectiveness How well a BC method works when it is used correctly and when all other conditions are ideal “perfect use”

Method Use Effectiveness (Actual Use) Theoretical Effectiveness (Perfect Use) Evra Patch 92% 99.7% BC Pill Nuvaring IUD 99.2% 99.4% Diaphragm & Spermicide 84% 94% Male Condom Alone 85% 98% Tubal Ligation 99.5% 99.9% Vasectomy 99.85% Withdrawal 73% 96% No Method (Chance) 15%

STI’S Herpes Gonorrhea Vaginal, anal, or oral sex Can also be transmitted from partner who does not have a visible sore or may not know he or she is infected FOR LIFE- cannot be cured Gonorrhea Men & Women Infections to genitals, rectum, throat

STI’s Syphilis HPV Highly contagious Spread through vaginal, oral, or anal Can be spread from kissing or close bodily contact HPV Human papillomavirus Can lead to cancer (especially cervical cancer) Skin to skin contact Most common STI


Genital Herpes


