Implications for Eurasian Food Security Program CGIAR SYSTEM REFORM Implications for Eurasian Food Security Program International Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition in Eurasia Eurasian Center for Food Security (ECFS) at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow May 26, 2017 Jonathan Wadsworth World Bank
Federation of CGIAR Research Centers 15 centers with 10,000 staff, in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, development organizations and the private sector. Bioversity IFPRI ICARDA CIMMYT ICRISAT IRRI IITA 15 Centers working on global research programs related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, livestock and climate change. Headquartered in 15 countries, and CGIAR presence in around 100 countries. Over 10,000 scientists and support staff, many global experts in their field. CGIAR is committed to spending at least 60% of its budget on climate-smart agriculture. 11 Centers hold in trust the world’s largest seed collections of humanity’s most important crops and other plant genetic resources with nearly 750,000 discrete samples. CGIAR genebanks distributed 154,894 germplasm samples to dozens of countries in 2013 alone. WorldFish CIAT ICRAF ILRI AfricaRice IWMI CIP CIFOR
Strategy and Results Framework System Council (World Bank Chair) Funders ISPC & IEA System Organization Fund Trustee System Management Board System Management Office Strategy and Results Framework Centres and CRPs Course corrections to CGIAR Governance Structure 2015/16
IFPRI and ICARDA are well known in Eurasia
CGIAR System Council donor membership 2016-2019 Funder Members (voting) Developing Country Members (voting) African Development Bank East Asia and Pacific (China) Australia Latin America (TBD) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation South Asia (India) Canada Sub Saharan Africa (Nigeria) European Commission West Asia and North Africa (Turkey) Germany Japan Mexico Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA World Bank
Implications for Eurasia Overall CGIAR Strategy based on Sustainable Development Goals New approaches: Global Programs – Centres working together More Partnerships Advanced Institutes National Systems Private Sector & Civil Society Additional New Research Areas: Climate Change and Food Security Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Genomics Big Data
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