Cuneiform Writing Ancient Mesopotamia


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Presentation transcript:

Cuneiform Writing Ancient Mesopotamia

Overview of Cuneiform Cuneiform, meaning "wedge-shaped," is the term applied to a mode of writing which used a wedge-shaped stylus to make impressions on a clay surface, and also on stone, metal, and wax. Most of the clay tablets were sun-baked, making surviving tablets very fragile. This technique originated in ancient southern Mesopotamia and the earliest texts in cuneiform script are about 5000 years old.

Life as a scribe Challenges: Scribes were boys who were of aristocracy. They went to school for many hours and years to learn how to write in Cuneiform Challenges: Learning several thousand symbols The symbols represent words – not letters Think about how many words you know… Creating a tablet Storing the tablet


Scribes at work

Changes in Writing The Sumerian writing system during the early periods was constantly in changing. The original direction of writing was from top to bottom, but for reasons unknown, it changed to left-to-right very early on (perhaps around 3000 BCE). This also affected the orientation of the signs by rotating all of them 90° counterclockwise. Another change in this early system involved the "style" of the signs. The early signs were more "linear" in that the strokes making up the signs were lines and curves. But starting after 3000 BCE these strokes started to evolve into wedges, thus changing the visual style of the signs from linear to "cuneiform".

Cuneiform written horizontally

Evolution of Cuneiform

Evolution of Cuneiform

Understanding Cuneiform Knowledge of cuneiform was lost until AD 1835, when Henry Rawlinson, an English army officer, found some inscriptions on a cliff in Persia. Carved in the reign of King Darius of Persia (522-486 BC), they consisted of identical texts in three languages: Old Persian, Babylonian and Elamite. After translating the Persian, Rawlinson began to decipher the others. By 1851 he could read 200 Babylonian signs. (That is 16 years of work!)

Cuneiform Numbers

Roller used to make multiple copies

What do we need to know? 1. What does Cuneiform mean? 2. What was used to write Cuneiform? 3. What was Cuneiform written on? 4. How were the dried and what are the oldest tablets found? 5. How do we read Cuneiform? 6. Who were scribes? 7. What do symbols represent? 8. How did Cuneiform first start off as? 9. It then became more? 10. Who was the first to decipher Cuneiform?

Video of Cuneiform