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Presentation transcript:

“GARMENT PRODUCTION SYSTEM” Presented By: Dimple Student of Apparel production management Institute of Apparel production management

Individual system/Make through/Whole garment system This is the traditional method of production whereby one operator assembles the entire garment. Here a tailor to performs nearly every operation required to make the garment, including machining, hand work and pressing. In this production system the operator would be given a bundle of cut work and would proceed to sew it according to his or her own method of work.

The labour required by this system must be highly skilled and versatile, which makes this system expensive. This system is effective when a very large variety of garments have to be produced in extremely small quantities.

Whole Garment Production System There are two types of Whole Garment Production Systems: Complete whole garment . Departmental whole garment.

Whole garment production system One individual makes the entire garment from cutting the cloth to sewing and pressing the garment. The garment is ready for dispatch once the operator completes the final operation. This type of system is used in a few places, which are engaged in custom-wholesale. They are normally high priced and exclusively made for a particular customer. They are limited in number and distribution; normally about 10-20 garment are made.…………………………………………...

2. Departmental whole garment system One individual does all the work with the equipment allocated to a department. For example, one person does all the cutting work in cutting department, second person does all the sewing work in sewing department, and the third person does the pressing and packing work. The workers in this system may use more than one equipment to complete their respective job.

Advantages More effective when a very large variety of garments in extremely small quantities. In piece rate system the operators will do with full involvement: To finish more pieces, to earn more money. Operator will be specialized in his own working area. The Work in Progress (WIP) is reduced, at a time one cut garment to one operator and so the amount as inventory is reduced. Disadvantages Highly skilled laborers are used, so the cost of labor is high. The operator is more concerned on the number of pieces finished rather than the quality of work. Productivity is less due to lack of specialization. For long run/bulk quantity of same style is not effective in this system.

Garment Production System In simple a ‘garment production system’ is a way how fabric is being converted into garment in a manufacturing system. The choice of best apparel production system depend on the Product, The Policies of the Company and the capacities of manpower. There are two Production systems: Progressive Bundle System Unit Production System

1. Progressive Bundle System (PBS) implies the bundle of garment parts move from operation to operation. TraditionaAlso Called Material Handling System. As name l Production system. Widely used by apparel manufacturers for several decades and still today. 80% apparel manufacturers use the Bundle system (PBS).

PBS Workflow Bundles consist of garment parts needed to complete a specific operation (e.g an operation bundle for pocket setting might include shirt fronts and pockets to b stitched together. Some firms operate with a standard bundle size, while other vary bundle sizes acc. to size of pieces in bundle and operation to b completed. Bundles are assembled in the cutting room, where cut parts are matched up with corresponding parts and bundle tickets. Workers (labour) transport and move Bundles of cut parts to sewing room via trollies. Operator scheduled to complete the operation and perform same operation on all pieces in the bundle, retie the bundle, remove Bundle ticket and move bundle for next operation.

Progressive Bundle System

Advantages of PBS Labor of all levels ie unskilled, skilled, semi skilled labors are involved. Small simple operations. Quantity of each operation is checked during every single operation thus quality is good. Due to bundle system, less chance of mixing up of parts…thus less confusion. Bundle tracking is possible, so identifying and solving problems become easy. Effective production control system and Quality control system.

Dis-advantages of PBS Time Consuming due to assembling, moving and un- tieing of bundles. More labor…More labor cost. Needs efficient supervisor. Labor absentiees can effect production due to incompletion of contracts. Variety of styles and less quantity is not effective in this system. Proper planning is required for each style, each batch. Improper planning causes labour turnover, poor quality, less production, etc.

2. Unit Production System (UPS) A Unit Production System is a type of layout that uses an overhead transporter system to move garment components from work station to work station for assembly. In UPS, there are hangers. One hanger have multiple clips containing all parts of the single garment. All parts for the single garment are advanced through stitching line together by means of hanging carrier that moves along an overhead conveyor. Hanging carrier can be moved manually by the operator using button after completion of single operation or By computerized system that move the conveyor after a specific fed throughput time.

UPS Workflow Load all the pieces of single garment in a product carrier. The product carrier with the pieces will be routed through the different operation steps. At every machine/operation the patented chain will position the product ideally. Completed the product arrives to an unloading station. The empty product carrier returns to the loading station.

Unit Production System

Advantages of UPS Bundle Handling completely eliminated. The time involved in the pick-up and disposal is reduced to minimum. Output is automatically recorded, eliminates the operator to register the work. The computerized system automatically balance the work between stations. Improved lead times-less work in process. Improved space utilization (more machines can be adjusted)

Advantages of UPS (Cont.) Increased Productivity. Throughput time can be drastically reduced. Indirect labor costs are reduced (by elimination of bundle handling and requiring fewer supervisors) Improved production and quality.

Dis-advantages of UPS Unit Production system requires high investment. Proper planning is required to be effective. Highly expensive-buying equipment and cost of installing. Specialized training for the system.

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