Performance Indicators Operational Key Performance Indicators CoMC 15th November 2017
Background The Data Services Contract (DSC) contains 357 service lines of which 108 of the service lines are KPIs All 357 service lines are monitored and the 108 KPIs are reported on monthly and will continue to be In addition to the above Xoserve would like to introduce an Operational KPI framework based on customers’ critical key services that Xoserve provides Proposed to have around 3/4 per customer class, total of around 20 which will be reported monthly The Operational KPIs may be an existing DSC service line, a variation on a service line or an existing service not currently reported on
Proposed Approach Agree scope, approach, engagement and timescales with Contract Management Committee (CoMC) Carry out [2] sessions with individual customer class to agree a set of operational KPIs Shipper Users (proposed grouping); Class A: Number of Supply Points exceeds 1,000,000 Class B: not less than 50% of Supply Points have a MSC of I&C Class C: Shippers not in Class A or B DN Operators National Grid Transmission Independent Gas Transporters Agreed set of customer Operational KPIs presented to CoMC Share Operational KPIs agreed at CoMC with Board & senior customer representatives 1st April 2018 Operational KPI framework implemented Reporting on performance in May for the April period
KPI Framework [4] Board KPIs 108 DSC KPIs [18] Customer 357 DSC Service Lines [4] Board KPIs Operational KPIs [18] Customer KPIs Contract KPIs
Proposed Format of Sessions Individual sessions for each customer class; First session to discuss options / proposals for Operational KPIs Customers to discuss with their organisations & provide proposed KPIs for second session Second session to agree a set of Operational KPIs Collated Operational KPIs presented & agreed at CoMC
Proposed Customer Group Sessions Customer Class Forum to discuss / agree Operational KPIs First Session Date Second Session Date Distribution Networks DN Constituent meeting 07/12/2017 04/01/2018 National Grid Transmission TBC iGTs iGT Constituent meeting TBC with iGTs Class A Shippers TBC by Shippers Class B Shippers Class C Shippers
Timescales Activity Date Who Agree scope & approach with CoMC 15/11/2017 CoMC Sessions with customers to agree set of Operational KPIs 01/12/2017 to 31/01/2018 DN’s, NGT, iGT, non-domestic Shippers, domestic Shippers Attend CoMC to update on progress 20/12/2017 & 17/01/2018 Share Operational KPIs with Board & senior representatives 01/02/2018 Board Attend CoMC to present agreed Operational KPIs 14/02/2018 Xoserve review & development of reporting 02/02/2018 to 31/03/2018 Xoserve Operational KPI framework delivered 01/04/2018
Actions Suggested actions for Shipper Contract Managers; notify Xoserve of the preferred grouping for ‘Shipper customer class’. Proposed; Customer Class A Shippers Customer Class B Shippers Customer Class C Shippers notify Xoserve of the meeting & dates Xoserve can attend to agree the set of KPIs by 27th November 2017 For meeting dates in December 2017 & January 2018 Contact Michele Downes on 0121 623 2087 or with meeting dates & venue Actions for Xoserve: To arrange attendance at agreed meetings