GROUP-9 Anshul Sinha(151308) Satish Roy(151247) Utkaarsh Sharma (151358) Siddharth Nandwani(151156) Sweety Rani(151453)
Race Digital Brand Planning Framework REACH ENGAGE ACT CONVERT Race Digital Brand Planning Framework
Race Digital Marketing Planning Framework REACH Build awareness on other sites in offline media and drive web presence. Reach Engage Act Social Media pages of CaneFresh Paid promotion on Social media CaneFresh + NGO in urban areas = benefit of farmers Stories how sugarcane farmers benefit #GanneKaJuice to promote consumption of CaneFresh Videos for different flavours of CaneFresh- Mint, Ginger, Lemon Meal supplement like Chaach, Amras etc Convert KPI’s Unique visitors and fans Audience share Revenue or goal value per visit Effective SEO Volume of traffic
Race Digital Marketing Planning Framework ACT Engage audience with brand on its website or other online presence Reach Engage Act Concentrating traffic on website Smart form to donate funds for farmers on website Publishing photos of people consuming CaneFresh Blogs on ease of consuming CaneFresh and benefits of sugarcane juice in summers Weekly Online booklets featuring consumer stories, meal recipes with CaneFresh Interacting with audience through messengers, website and social media pages Convert KPI’s Bounce rate Propensity to buy Product page conversion
Race Digital Marketing Planning Framework CONVERT Achieve conversion to marketing goals such as fans, leads or sales on web presence and offline. Reach Engage Act Selling CaneFresh crates at ecommerce portals, website Using Facebook to promote sales and get leads Discount offers, coupons, extra sachets on CaneFresh crates Selling CaneFresh t-shirts with bulk leads Promoting ginger, mint and lemon flavours online Selling CaneFresh at BigBasket and other food-shopping e-portals Monitoring sales through different sales portals Convert KPI’s Unique visitors and fans Number of followers and advocates Number of clicks, shared threads, mentions etc.
Race Digital Marketing Planning Framework ENGAGE Build Customer and fan relationship through time to achieve retention goals. Reach Engage Act Featuring customer stories with CaneFresh for customer engagement Social media interaction with consumers 15 sec clips of consumers drinking CaneFresh on social media Lucky coupon numbers on satchets Convert KPI’s Unique visitors and fans Audience Share Meaningful conversations with the brand Consumers identifying with the Cane Fresh brand