Fatima Ghassan Sharaqa Prepared by : Samar Issam Mustafa Hanan Basem Qadan Fatima Ghassan Sharaqa Supervisor: Dr. Barraq Jumaa
Contents Safety training House keeping Personal protective equipment
Contents Scaffolding and fall protection Excavation Confined space Fire safety
Objective Our objective is to present this project as a proposed policy (manual) for safety in construction site.
Scope Safety scope is not to prevent accidents but to reduce accidents. The best way to do so is to follow the right procedure during the construction process, and to prepare risk assessment for each activity before carrying it out.
Methodology In this research our information have been collected through reading and through visits to several projects in our country Palestine and through observations.
Introduction We can define safety as the condition or state of being safe, freedom from danger or hazard, being far from hurt, injury, or loss.
If no right action is taken, the situation will get worse Introduction The situation of safety in construction sites in Palestine is bad, the percentage of accidents in construction sites reaches 24% of all accidents of the other 10 commercial sectors in Palestine according to Palestinian labor office for the year 2011 until April,2012. If no right action is taken, the situation will get worse
Chapter1 Training program
Safety training program Building and improving the common sense Care for an injured or infected person Whose responsibility is it?
Chapter 2 Housekeeping
House keeping Prevent minor injuries Prevent major accidents Advantages of good housekeeping: Prevent minor injuries Prevent major accidents Increase job productivity
House keeping *Hazard: There is a falling material hazard to the public, Storage of material is within 6 feet from a second store opening, this area must be surrounded with a safety net.
House keeping *Safe: Safety net is placed to protect public from falling material hazards, it can also hold workers if they face a falling hazard.
House keeping *Hazard: Poor housekeeping may cause injuries because of thrown materials.
Chapter 3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment Clothing Head protection Eye protection
Personal protective equipment Foot protection Hand protection Lungs protection Body protection from falling hazards
Personal protective equipment *Safe: good eye protection and good head protection. *Safe: keeping on the grinder protection while using it.
Personal protective equipment *Hazard: poor head protection, hat with holes is not acceptable , it's the time for a new one. Every hat has an expiration date if it is not fractured or cracked for 3 years.
Personal protective equipment *Safe: wearing lather extended boot when being directly exposed to concrete.
Scaffolding and fall protection Chapter 4 Scaffolding and fall protection
Scaffolding and fall protection Scaffolding main parts
Scaffolding and fall protection Some of safety rules in Scaffolding Ensure the footing for scaffolds are rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. Do not use unstable objects such as boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks to support scaffolds. Ledgers are spaced vertically not more than 2.1m apart.
Scaffolding and fall protection Some of safety rules in Scaffolding Inspection and Tagging the scaffolds Timber platforms should contain two layers of wooden(timber) boards with a minimum thickness of 5 cm. Toe boards which are at least 150 mm high from the level of the scaffold platform and are so affixed that no space exists between the toe boards and the scaffold platform
Scaffolding and fall protection *Safe: Safe access to reach the scaffolds platforms. *Hazard: Fall of material and equipment hazard because the Toe board is not affixed to the bottom of the platform, see (4.3.c).
Scaffolding and fall protection *Hazard: weak connection leads to less protection and possible failure of this area. *Hazard: missing of inspection and tagging of the scaffolds if it's safe to be used or not.
Scaffolding and fall protection *Hazard: falling hazard from the roof of a five stories building.
Chapter5 Excavation
Excavation Safety Excavation planning consideration * insure a safe work place for not only the work crew but vehicular and pedestrian traffic as well. *Determination of the location of underground utilities. *Consideration of confined space hazard possibilities. *Use of appropriate safety clothing and equipment. *Adherence to standards or other safe work practices.
Excavation Excavation planning consideration Practicality *Where to park the equipment. *Where to excavate. *Where to place the backfill material. *Method of securing the excavation.
*Prior notification of job starts up to allow for moving of vehicles. Excavation Excavation planning consideration *Prior notification of job starts up to allow for moving of vehicles. *Minimizing disturbance to property and maximizing restoration efforts. Public relations
Excavation Ways to spell safe Slopping Shoring
Excavation Slopping
Excavation *Safe: the excavation was implemented on 90 degrees since this soil is considered to be stable rock.
Chapter6 Confined space
Confined Space Confined space Definition : OSHA defines a confined space as “any space having a limited means of egress, which is subjected to accumulation of toxic or flammable contaminants or has an oxygen deficient atmosphere”.
Confined Space * Escape from such areas may be very difficult in emergency situations. * Oxygen deficient Atmospheres. *Toxic atmosphere. * Flammable atmospheres.
Confined Space *Safe : Wearing personal fall arrest system through working in a confined space.
Chapter 7 Fire Safety
Electricity , smoking, cutting and welding Fire Safety Electricity , smoking, cutting and welding Storage, Ventilation
Fire safety Hazard : *Hazard: electrical cable laid in wet area makes hazard of fire or explosion.
Fire safety *Hazard: flammable material reserved in open space direct to sunlight
Recommendation 1.To adopt this project as a manual for safety rules in construction sites. 2.To apply the training program in every construction site even if it's only submitted 15 minutes every day. 3.Asking for competent supervisors of insurance companies to monitor applying safety rules hand by hand with contractors companies and owners.
Remember Safety doesn't mean a hat and a vest it's about culture and education it's also about training and developing human skills.